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The unequal condition of the theorists of equal conditions

The unequal condition of the theorists of equal conditions

Two recent cases involving Franco Battaglia and Lucetta Scaraffia lead to a melancholy reflection on the media and a level playing field. Battista Falconi's italics

Franco Battaglia is a chemist known for his decidedly denialist positions on climate change, as his opponents use to define them, who in turn are often accused of catastrophism.

Battaglia maintains that the anthropic effect on climate processes does not have a significant impact and also that the increase in CO2 to which Global warming is caused is not harmful. For this reason he is sometimes invited to participate in debates in which he naturally finds himself in a small minority. More often, however, he is mocked remotely without having the opportunity to reply, a conviction in absentia.

He happened to be a guest on the talk show hosted by Parenzo and Cruciani on Radio 24 La zanzara , known for its, let's say, not particularly sober tones, and he wrote about it in the Verità with which he collaborates. Battaglia says he was verbally attacked and crucified as the only representative of the line against the climatological mainstream

More or less the same thing happened, again on the radio but Rai, to be precise in the program The whole city talks about it , to Lucetta Scaraffia (in the photo), relegated to speaking against assisted suicide authorized in recent days in Trieste, the first case of this kind in Italy, as the only voice, compared to the other guests who were all decidedly in favor of this practice. When she pointed this out to the host, asking to have more space available, the reaction was furious, to the point of thinking that the Catholic historian, collaborator of La Stampa , would abandon the programme. The host's thesis was that, since the program was not a talk show, he had no duty to equalize the entries from a quantitative point of view.

As opponents of equal conditions and programs based on this principle, we certainly won't make an issue of it, but it is indicative that most in-depth programs propose preconceived theses where everything converges, even when they give the impression of being balanced. using a fig leaf.

From this point of view, perhaps more appreciable are programs such as those by Gramellini and Fazio, where the excuse is not even used and the monopoly of the program is adamant, all in all better this way. This is what some journalist unions also claim, asking that anti-scientific theses be prevented from expressing themselves, period.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/limpar-condicio-dei-teorici-della-par-condicio/ on Sat, 16 Dec 2023 10:42:39 +0000.