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The Way of the Cross by Draghi

The Way of the Cross by Draghi

Who, how and why criticizes Draghi. The Scratches of Damato

It is not what the Pope had asked for and expected for Ukraine, invaded and raped in all senses by Russian troops under the orders of the various generals replaced by Putin, but we must be content in our modest confines with the Easter truce that has occurred in the government, but especially in its majority: frankly I do not know if more due to party fatigue or Mario Draghi's patience. That every now and then he seemed to lose it in recent times, also tempted by some tear, yet managed to resist and remain himself, that is, hard enough not to disappoint those who bet on him, starting of course with the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella.

It is probably due to the strong fiduciary relationship with the head of state, as well as to the international crisis that broke out with Russia's war on Ukraine, that Draghi has made the best of a bad situation, as is usually said. And he was satisfied with a truce that he knows is very weak, all the tensions, domestic and otherwise, persisting, which have also put his nerves to the test for a while.

More than one friend or collaborator of the Prime Minister said they saw him shocked at certain developments in the so-called political debate or confrontation, especially on the occasion of the meeting he had directly with Giuseppe Conte. Who casually challenged his desire to increase military spending after having helped his two governments to raise them by complying with agreements made in the Atlantic alliance in an international context which is moreover better than that created now with Putin's aggression against Ukraine.

Draghi, with the experience gained already elsewhere but strengthened in this year and more of his stay at Palazzo Chigi, knows that after Easter and Easter Monday the parties of his varied majority will be even more engaged than before in their internal and external quarrels, moreover immersed in an administrative electoral campaign in name only, the political significance of the vote being evident due to the size of the round and the circumstances.

If in recent days the noises have made more news, let's call them that, of a confused and divided center-right but united only in denouncing and fearing tax ambushes to the house and savings, in reality to worry Draghi more, especially after that meeting for nothing clarifier had with Conte, were and are the moods meandering among the grillini on the ground that became primary in foreign policy with the war in Ukraine.

Draghi knows that his Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio is one thing, who really supports him in all the initiatives he has taken to solidarize with Ukraine, reduce energy dependence on Russia and keep the relationship with the United States firm. Conte is another thing. He does not miss an opportunity to argue that European interests are not superimposable – he says – to those of the Americans, and vice versa. And he shares – I presume – what a convinced and declared admirer of his as Marco Travaglio in the Fatto Quotidiano writes every day about Draghi: as about one of the many "bollards" who insist on not understanding the only "regional" nature of the war waged by Putin but used by Biden to sell American gas to Europeans, more expensive than Russian gas and perhaps even worse in quality. A Biden – wrote Travaglio again – who calls Putin a butcher and genocide without Draghi distancing himself from him, unlike Macron in the race for re-election at the Elysée in competition with the substantially right-wing Putinophile Marine Le Pen.

Draghi, compared to Putin, would be "like Fantozzi with the galactic megadirector", wrote Conte's esteemer and nostalgic yesterday, concluding: "Even his favorite licks are resigned to greeting him after the 2023 vote. But a year is an eternity: sure to be able to afford another 12 months of agony? Isn't it better to dismiss him now? Anyone who does not want to do it for us should do it for him ". The interlocutor, of course, is always Conte more than Draghi.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/la-via-crucis-di-draghi/ on Sat, 16 Apr 2022 06:26:00 +0000.