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The (well-chosen) moves of the Meloni government

The (well-chosen) moves of the Meloni government

Facts and steps of the Meloni government between news and comments. Paola Sacchi's note

Italy described as "isolated" by the French attacks on immigration and by the oppositions of our house, which have made the offensive from beyond the Alps a sounding board, has the face of the "success" of Giorgia Meloni, the only female prime minister at the G20 of Bali.

Fresh from many bilaterals, of which the most significant and profitable also from an economic point of view were with the US president Joe Biden and the president of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping, Meloni defines the summit as "the rapprochement between the West and the rest of the world".

The prime minister, who also met Indian premier Narendra Modi, underlines in particular the fact that the G20 closed with a clear stance in support of Ukraine. Which was not obvious. The Italian premier reiterates that even if the missile that fell on Poland, causing two victims, leading to fears of the worst the other night, was from Ukraine's anti-aircraft guns hit by Russia, the accident is still the result of Putin's aggression against 'Ukraine.

At the same time in Italy, Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi illustrates in parliament the "humanitarian line, but firm" on the fact that "traffickers of human beings cannot establish migration policy". And on the NGOs: "It is a fact that their structure constitutes an attractive factor in front of the Libyan coasts". Maurizio Gasparri, senator of FI, vice president of Palazzo Madama: "Dangerous extremists don't say it, but Frontex that part of the NGOs are a push factor for illegal immigrants". Something that Antonio Tajani, head of the Farnesina and blue coordinator, had already placed at the EU summit of foreign ministers, who yesterday met with the president of the Senate's Foreign and Defense Commission Stefania Craxi, fresh from a summit with the head of Greek diplomacy, and the counterpart in the Chamber Giulio Tremonti.

Meanwhile, in parliament Piantedosi denounces that a certain type of policy carried out in recent years "has not served the national interest" and, in his opinion, not even that of real refugees. “Hospitality has a limit,” he recalls. So Italy will be entered "by legal means" and "flows" will be authorized with agreements and support for the African countries of the Mediterranean. It was supposed to be a challenge to the Minister of the Interior by the opposition who, however, are faced with proposals that for some resemble that code for NGOs and the agreements with the countries of departure implemented by the former Minister of the Interior, the dem Marco Minniti, also criticized by his own Pd, now head of the MedOr Foundation of the Leonardo group.

The feeling is that Carlo Calenda and Matteo Renzi's Pd and Third Pole find themselves as if taken aback and, without real counter-proposals, they do nothing but invoke "humanity, humanity", when Piantedosi himself is very careful to combine the hard line against traffickers and the humanitarian line". “Humanity and steadfastness, Italy will never fail in the principle of welcoming refugees”, says Piantedosi who then relaunches the urgency of a common European plan. As President Sergio Mattarella had already underlined.

And in Europe something is moving. The interview with Corriere della sera in recent days was significant, in the face of resistance from France and Germany, with a big German like the president and group leader of the EPP Manfred Weber in defense of the Meloni government, to which he had already shown his solidarity with a visit to Palazzo Chigi. Weber underlines the importance of defending the Italian borders which coincide with those of the EU in the Mediterranean, reiterating the line of welcoming refugees. A move by Weber that went a bit silent on the rest of the main newspapers, which could also have repercussions on the EU balance, as we had already underlined on Startmag.it. And which Daniele Capezzone analyzed yesterday in La Verità , also reading us a progressive rapprochement between the Ppe and the Ecr, the European Conservatives of which Meloni is president.

The prime minister from Bali also speaks of the Italian executive, whose road is being built so that it "gives the projection of a solid, stable, lasting government". Facts that contrast with a media representation that also enhances the commas of a normal distinction between the plural forces of the coalition, a narrative that every time seems to cling to the usual somewhat provincial search in the clash with France for a scapegoat in Matteo Salvini, the other Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure, former owner of the Viminale, ended up on trial for leading the way in 2018 to the line that significantly reduced the landings of illegal immigrants and ended up under accusation with the yes of the center-left.

But this is the country where a certain judicial power has also influenced the choices of politics.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/mosse-azzeccate-governo-meloni/ on Thu, 17 Nov 2022 06:46:45 +0000.