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The wonderful lesson of Gino Cecchettin

The wonderful lesson of Gino Cecchettin

Gino Cecchettin's speech was stronger than a hundred school lessons against feminicide. Guiglia's notebook

Funerals on live TV are usually reserved for institutional personalities or people loved by the general public. Giulia Cecchettin does not fall into either of the two categories. Yet, the first time an event broadcast on Rai in memory of a simple girl unknown to most people, adopted as the daughter of Italy due to the atrocious murder of which she was the victim at the hands of her ex-boyfriend, deserves the honors of the funeral of State.

Not only for what this painful ceremony wanted to testify, but also for how it took place: under the banner of an invisible thread of participation, of tears and interventions that can be summed up with a single and obsolete word, the word "love" . A universal and non-rhetorical message of love in the face of a feminicide that would have authorized those present, Giulia's father, her friends and the officiating priest himself to vent the feeling of anger, anger and indignation for yet another case of a man killing a woman, that is, of the overall failure of families, schools and society which at that moment was reverberating in the Basilica of Santa Giustina in Padua, full of people and questions. How was this possible? Where has "respect for life" gone?, which the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, urged to reaffirm, speaking elsewhere at the same time. But above all: what can be done so that the "never again" uttered in Giulia's name does not become the penultimate of many other times already invoked?


Paradoxically, the answers came from the only person who should not have nor could have given them, so heartbroken is she over the farewell to her Giulia: father Gino Cecchettin. It's true, his speech was stronger than a hundred lessons at school against feminicide. For incisive concepts expressed with delicacy. For the emotion ("thank you for these 22 years, Giulia"), transformed into hope "for change against gender violence". For the invitation to indicate "educational responsibility" as the collective source of an evil which will, with a sentence from the judiciary, find a culprit with a name and surname. “Peace between genders”, urged Monsignor Claudio Cipolla, “peace of heart also for Filippo and his family”.

If it is hatred that arms the hands and minds of men unworthy of being men, the antidote is to educate them in love from children, schoolchildren and citizens.

May Giulia's funeral really help to never say "never again".

(Published in L'Arena di Verona, Il Giornale di Vicenza, Bresciaoggi and La Gazzetta di Mantova)

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/discorso-gino-cecchettin/ on Fri, 08 Dec 2023 06:13:05 +0000.