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Travaglio and Damilano don’t beat on the news in Rai. Cat cats us?

Travaglio and Damilano don't beat on the news in Rai. Cat cats us?

Giorgia Meloni's week between endorsements and criticisms of commissioners, Pnrr, Rai (with two significant comments from Travaglio and Damilano) and beyond. The point of Battista Falconi

It is obvious and inevitable that Giorgia Meloni receives declarations of sympathy and hostility, endorsements and slatings. Those that start from supporters, allies and opponents are even more obvious: the favorable "trail" of ministers and exponents of the Brothers of Italy, as well as the chorus of criticism from the opposition that arises for any reason, are part of a trite ritual , daily and tired, which helps to distance citizens from the representation that the media give of politics. For this reason, presumptively “third party” figures are often sought, from whose opinion it is possible to derive a weight that moves the scales in one direction or the other. It is the case in which, as they say, one "pulls the jacket".

In this sense, the President of the Republic is always useful. Sergio Mattarella yesterday, celebrating the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Don Milani, addressed a remark of solidarity, very brief and explicit, to Minister Roccella, who had been prevented from speaking at the Book Fair. However, it is true that, in the previous days and also in the same context, the Head of State made other statements that seemed to be of the opposite tenor, taking head-on, for example, the excess of decrees into which the current government has fallen. As well as the previous ones, to tell the truth: it is no coincidence that Daniele Capezzone, in the newspaper that bears precisely this word as a masthead, disputes Mattarella for having raised the complaint now, when the bad habit is atavistic. In recent days, then, the president had taken issue with the concepts of race and ethnicity in an event, that of Manzoni's anniversary, in which the theme did not seem so pertinent. Everyone read us a criticism of Minister Lollobrigida's statements on "race" who, in fact, immediately spoke out to agree with what Mattarella had argued.

Then there are the foreign champions such as the Nobel Prize Joseph Stiglitz, who in Trento speaks of the "high level of incompetence" shown by the government on the PNRR. After all, that's okay, given that we're talking about an economist and that the Italian difficulties in managing the plan are an objective fact. What perhaps escapes Nobel is that, also in this case, the problem did not arise from the current government, which is only coagulating contradictions, limits and difficulties that can be postponed to the previous executives. But anyhow: the phrase has an effect, it is pronounced in an important arena such as the Festival of Economics, and Repubblica immediately tries to squash the ball with an interview published today, in which it naturally headlines on the "suppression of democratic tools" . From even serious administrative problems to the cancellation of civil rights, the step is short for those who, like the Roman newspaper, are used to chiseling reasoning with a cleaver.

The foreign guest who happens to Italy for an occasional event and who is consulted as an expert in political science is a classic, it happens every time a VIP of any kind passes by our area, we have even heard Hollywood actors and directors – who probably country they know only pizza, spaghetti and mandolin – ranting several times about the risk of fascism. But speaking of artists, two interesting declarations of a different nature should be noted, namely those of Arisa and Chiara Francini who, without absolutely slipping into exaggerated declarations of a melonist nature, have tried to paint in chiaroscuro. What emerges, however, is substantial appreciation for the Prime Minister, in the case of the singer, and strong criticism of the inability of the Italian left to respond to popular demands, in the case of the actress. We record them for the record only

Likewise, one cannot fail to note the comments published on Fatto di yesterday and on Tomorrow today by two journalists, Marco Travaglio and his namesake Damilano, who should have a strongly contrary attitude: not only to the government in general, but above all against the so-called "subdivision" that the majority would be trying to implement in viale Mazzini and Saxa Rubra. The first effectively explains why the criticisms of the left and the Democratic Party of the new appointments are illogical: coincidentally, this position is expressed in coincidence with the abstention of the director in the 5 Star share during the Rai board of directors, which the same appointments allowed. Marco Damilano, while using tones of apparent condemnation of the so-called "occupation" of public broadcasting, in reality brings much heavier blows against the left, which the broadcaster has occupied for a very long time and in a very heavy way, without however deriving from this hegemony an effective, concrete and solid political majority. The two speeches are sensible and shareable, but just a tad bit suspicious, given that these are two journalists who could aspire to their place in the Rai schedules. That this potential private interest conditions the articulation of their op-eds is a classic case of "thinking badly" with which one could "get caught".

Last question, that of the Commissioner for the reconstruction in Emilia, which infuriated Giorgia Meloni when she saw it as the subject of a question while she was in front of journalists, on the sidelines of the inspection of the flooded areas carried out together with the president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen. Meloni responded with his usual effectiveness, saying that the question was absolutely inappropriate at a time when we are still thinking about the dead, and that the problem now is finding the money, not deciding who spends it. But the debate has already been going on for many days and it is curious to note how the center-right governors support the candidacy of their Emilian colleague Bonaccini, therefore regardless of the political color, since the link leads them to embrace the thesis that a commissioner, to manage the "post ” of a calamitous event, must “know the area”. An expression that sounds a bit like a slogan. It is not clear – in an era of remote access, digitalisation, artificial intelligence and big data – how much the plus of competence that the president of a region would offer for having trodden a given piece of our country more often, perhaps for electoral reasons, affects it. Moreover, this "analogue" hypothesis, let's call it that, is being answered by some rumors which, for the possible commissioner, indicate another name that that area knows well, Deputy Minister Bignami, and those of two technicians such as Bertolaso ​​and Figliuolo , who manage the emergencies they made it as a job. With results that everyone can evaluate, for better or for worse.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/travaglio-e-damilano-non-picchiano-sulle-novita-in-rai-gatta-ci-cova/ on Sun, 28 May 2023 07:16:02 +0000.