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Trust, recovery, investments and land registry. What Draghi said at the press conference

Trust, recovery, investments and land registry. What Draghi said at the press conference

The key concepts expressed by the Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, during the press conference on Nadef

A hopeful message of trust not only to Italians but also to foreign investors on the virtuous path undertaken by Italy in the economic field, also thanks to the vaccination campaign at a good point.

This is essentially the message that the Prime Minister, Mario Drgahi, wished to launch during the press conference on Nadef (Update to the Def) approved today by the Council of Ministers.

Here are the key concepts expressed by Draghi. Including that relating to the land registry.

"The budget law that we will present in a few weeks will remain fundamentally expansive," Prime Minister Mario Draghi said at a press conference.

“We must be careful about which measures contribute to fair, sustainable and lasting growth and which ones are indifferent to this growth”, he underlines in view of the maneuver.

"The most important challenge is to make growth fair and sustainable, lasting, structural, at higher growth rates than those before the pandemic which were really very low and were at the root of the continuing economic crisis".

"The economic picture is far better than what we ourselves thought it might be five months ago." And he continues: “We approved the update note to the Def which contains the government's forecasts on the performance of the economy and public finance. I thank Franco with his staff and collaborators for all the work done during this year: there have already been three budget laws. An extraordinary job ".

“The public debt is in slight decline – continues Draghi – and I asked myself what it means: it is the first confirmation that the problem of high public debt comes first of all with growth”.

"Now there is trust in Italy, among Italians and in the rest of the world in Italy, another positive news", said the Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, in the press conference to present the Nadef. Draghi stressed that among other things, investments are expected to increase by about 15% this year and by more than 6% the next, after a decline of 9.2% in 2020. "A rebound – said the premier – who recovers all that was lost last year and even more ”.

We will begin discussing the budget law in a few days. It is too early to understand how many resources there will be for tax reform and, even before that, we need to establish the tax delegation law. as far as the land registry is concerned, the government's commitment is that you do not pay any more or before, but to review the annuities as they have been established. Today geographic Italy is smaller than cadastral Italy, we have to get to the bottom of the problem ”, said the Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, at a press conference. “The government wants to make a transparency operation, determine the current income and undertakes not to change the tax burden of the land registry. It takes years to do this transparency operation ”, adds Draghi. “The government is not preparing to tax the first house, it seems to me that there is an explicit exclusion on this point. It is a very general delegation that prepares the ground for delegated decrees ”.

(article being updated)

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/fiducia-ripresa-e-investimenti-che-cosa-ha-detto-draghi-in-conferenza-stampa/ on Wed, 29 Sep 2021 14:18:05 +0000.