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Vaccinated but without a green pass, the odyssey of thousands of seafarers

Vaccinated but without a green pass, the odyssey of thousands of seafarers

The hacker attack on the Lazio Region is still causing inconvenience for those who suffered the inoculation in Civitavecchia. According to the Coast Guard and the Government, there are still 30 thousand non-immunized sea workers. Pietro Roth's article for ship2shore.it

According to a survey carried out by the general command of the Harbor Master's Office, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility and the Directorate General for Prevention of the Ministry of Health, about 30 thousand Italian seafarers have not yet been vaccinated, even with a first dose.

A number of people certainly not negligible, even if to keep the bench in these days – on board the ship and on the quay – it is the case of those seafarers (several thousand) who have undergone vaccination in Civitavecchia. Having said that in the vast majority of cases for this type of workers, compatibly with the personal history of each of them, it was chosen to use a single-dose vaccine (therefore the Janssen developed by the American Johnson & Johnson) to avoid problems related to the recall to be carried out by a certain date, probably incompatible with travel needs, the fact is that many of them, although several weeks if not months have now passed, have not yet received the Green Pass, the certificate that certifies the vaccination and that it has now become essential to access a varied range of places and services.

According to what Ship2Shore has learned, the cause of this delay is dictated by the hacker attack suffered by the computer system of the Lazio Region (responsible for prophylaxis) at the beginning of August. An attack that led to delays and problems in the provision of services and which – for seafarers as well as for several other citizens – continues to entail difficulties in issuing the green certification.

Even the AdSP of the Central-Northern Tyrrhenian Sea, led by Pino Musolino, although extraneous to the matter in terms of responsibility and operation, has repeatedly urged the Authorities on the matter, also in light of the particular work performed by seafarers. It is difficult to hypothesize, in the current state of affairs, when the situation will unblock. At the moment, in fact, 23 of the 36 services connected to the computer system targeted by the attack are still stopped, more than a month after the incident.

(Extract from an article published on ship2shore.it)

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/smartcity/vaccinati-ma-senza-green-pass-lodissea-di-migliaia-di-marittimi/ on Wed, 08 Sep 2021 07:41:50 +0000.