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Virginia Raggi’s bogus accounts on the Olympics

Virginia Raggi's bogus accounts on the Olympics

Virginia Raggi wanted to deprive the Romans and Italians of the satisfaction of hosting the Olympics, building the caricature image of a country that is unable to do anything, without resorting to embezzlement and the destruction of its territory. Gianfranco Polillo's comment

Watching the passing of the baton on TV, the Olympic flag that passes from Tokyo to Paris, hurts the heart. The scene is that of the square in front of the Eiffel Tower, while in the sky the tricolor arrows leave the trails with the colors of France. Thousands of Parisians greeted the event, not only aware of a return, after a hundred years, to the French soil of that event, but aware and proud of all that that event will represent. And how it will contribute to show the world the strength and determination of a nation, called to host something that belongs to the history of humanity.

Virginia Raggi wanted to deprive the Romans and the Italians of this satisfaction . To undermine them in the eyes of the world. By building the caricatured image of a country that is unable to do anything, without resorting to embezzlement and the destruction of its territory. Only corrupt and corrupters: there was this in the imagination of the mayor of Rome, when she categorically refused to submit the application to nominate her city as the site of the Olympic games. Challenge that obviously could have been lost, but openly. Without leaving the field open to Paris.

Today, perhaps struck by the success of the French and their enthusiasm, despite Covid, she clumsily tends a discharge of responsibility, responding to Nicola Zingaretti, who had dared to recall his ancient misdeeds. “Italy with 40 Olympic medals. – the President of the Lazio Region wrote in a tweet – Today Rome could celebrate the 2024 Olympics: work, sport, facilities, hope, future. Instead he celebrates Paris because of yet another dramatic mistake committed by the current Mayor Raggi ”.

The respondent's response was immediate: “The way you reduced Rome before I arrived, it was unimaginable to run for the Olympics. The city wouldn't hold up. Fault of the umpteenth and dramatic mistake committed by the PD. Now, however, after having cleared the accounts, Rome can run. In fact, we are aiming for Expo 2030 ”. And why not, given that we are here, to 2050? The year written in the new 5-star symbol. One wonders how PD and Conte's new party can still be together: both in the next municipal ones, in view of the ballot, and in the majority that supports President Zingaretti.

The hope is that once the elections are lost, Raggi can take a step back. This would seem to be the subtle strategy of the new head of the 5 stars, at least according to the rumors of the building. Had he been the people's advocate, he would have quickly learned the Machiavellianism of politics. Pretend to support the Rays, but aim from now on a statement by Roberto Gualtieri, to take him to the ballot against Michetti. If he were to succeed, he would free up the post of deputy in the one college of the capital, in which the same Count could stand as a candidate, to enter Parliament. Accounts without the host. But still it counts.

The fall of Virginia Raggi would, however, be a great thing. That it is also decisive is to be doubted. We are in fact facing only the tip of the iceberg. Its base, under the surface of the water, is represented by a tangle of cultural positions dominated by suspicion and backwardness, albeit ennobled with some English varnish. This is the case of il Fatto , which only recently, to go against the tide with respect to a general sentiment, has soberly titled: "Olympics, Tokyo closes with a twenty billion hole: enough with these bloodbaths!". So a long list of misdeeds, to show that, in these cases, there are few who gain and many who lose.

It is difficult to understand where the figures indicated by the reference newspaper of the Contiani come from. To us, numbers seem thrown away, just to demonstrate, the old reasons that led the Rays to the "great refusal". To confuse the waters, we quote, in an elliptical way, the essay by an old American economist, Andrew Zimbalist, written in 2015, which has little to do with the Japanese Kermesse. Without saying, however, that the same character was one of the animators of the movement against the request to hold the 2024 Olympics in Boston. This request was then withdrawn. Certainly not the maximum of scientific objectivity.

So why? But the answer is simple. Because behind the awarding of a simple medal there is the effort, the sacrifice, the passion of months if not years of hard work. It is the triumph of a merit, often obtained at a high price, and of a personal commitment that the supporters of the citizenship salary, in the forms we have known, cannot understand. So it's better to use the balance of give and take. Especially if fake. To demonstrate that, in the end, it is better to do nothing, because “one is worth one”. And therefore it is not necessary to damn yourself too much because in the end you will always be able to live on the shoulders of those who, on the other hand, think exactly the opposite. And he takes pains to get something more out of life.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/virginia-raggi-olimpiadi/ on Tue, 10 Aug 2021 05:24:50 +0000.