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Weber (Ppe) cuddles Meloni and tugs at von der Leyen

Weber (Ppe) cuddles Meloni and tugs at von der Leyen

What the president of the European People's Party, Manfred Weber, said about Giorgia Meloni, Ursula von der Leyen and beyond. Damato's Scratches

The two pieces of news, almost paired on the front page of Corriere della Sera , are certainly different but politically complementary. One is Silvio Berlusconi's transition from intensive care to an ordinary ward of the Milanese hospital where he improves and prepares for the return to command, if he has ever really abandoned or attenuated it, of his party which has just started towards closer and more relaxing relations with the ally Giorgia Meloni. The other piece of news is an interview with the president of the European People's Party Manfred Weber, and group leader in the Strasbourg Parliament, with strong support for Meloni herself and her government on the ground most contested by the opposition in Italy, but also by other countries in the Union. Which is naturally that of immigration, especially after the proclamation of a state of emergency, the appointment of a commissioner – Valerio Valenti – and the revolt, promoted not so much behind the scenes by Elly Schlein's Pd, of the regions and municipalities administered by the left . From which the government is threatened with boycott in the restrictive policy of permits and expansive instead in the creation of collection centers for the repatriation of illegal immigrants.

Of Weber, whose photos together with Berlusconi are now archived rather than anything else, the interviewer Francesca Basso recalled that "for months he has been spending himself personally for the alliance led by Giorgia Meloni". Of which he notoriously shares the project of overturning the relations of force and collaboration in the European Union, replacing the conservatives with the social democrats in the preferential choices of the People's Party.

Expression of the old preferences of the popular for the left is the European Commission in Brussels chaired by the German Ursula von der Leyen, Weber's party colleague. Which did not for this reason fail to criticize its slowness and the uncertainties on the road to a full assumption of Community responsibilities to face the phenomenon of an immigration too vast to be left on Italy's sole or predominant shoulders due to its maritime borders, and therefore more exposed. A phenomenon whose emergency is denied by the Italian left just as the right in opposition denied that of Covid at the time.

“At the European level – denounced Weber – solidarity does not work. I thank the Italian government for the way it welcomes migrants and tries to save and help them”, rather than letting them die at sea or boycotting their assistance, as the Pd of Schlein and similar shouts. “The German and French governments, but also the others, cannot stand by and watch. They must voluntarily bring migrants with a right to asylum onto their territory”, said Weber, reproaching his own country for the six billion euros spent on Turkey to make it contain the smuggling of migrants and the money they are struggling to find to help , in the same direction, Tunisia.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/weber-ppe-coccola-meloni-e-strattona-von-der-leyen/ on Mon, 17 Apr 2023 05:49:53 +0000.