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What are the large private and public companies asking about VAT, abuse of office and property taxation

What are the large private and public companies asking about VAT, abuse of office and property taxation

Assonime, the association that represents large private and public joint-stock companies, in Parliament has advanced criticisms and proposals on the PNRR prepared by the Conte government that sound like advice to the Draghi government. Here are all the details on the interventions desired for the PA, justice, work and taxation

More clarity and well-defined goals. Even Assonime , the association that brings together and represents the major Italian joint-stock companies both private and public , in its hearing in the Senate reproaches the Pnrr of the Conte government for a certain vagueness in the definition of the objectives to be achieved , in the attribution of responsibilities (who does what) and in the indication of the times and measures of the Plan. On these points Assonime is in agreement with Confindustria Digitale and Asvis.

Assonime, like the other associations and social partners called to hear in Parliament on the draft Pnrr, put forward proposals in the parliamentary hearing held on 23 February.

The European objectives

The European strategy for sustainable growth, in which the Next Generation EU initiative is part, pursues three objectives: the capacity to grow (which includes digital transformation), environmental sustainability and social and territorial cohesion. These objectives must not be achieved to the detriment of macroeconomic stability, which is why the European Union is asking to invest in sectors that are able to produce value. "National plans for the use of European funds must take into account the specific challenges related to their economic and social context and provide for both investments and adequate reforms to boost the economy" writes Assonime chaired by Innocenza Cipolletta and led by the general manager Stefano Micossi. In particular, the Italian PNRR should be strengthened "in terms of energy and the environment, sustainable transport, connectivity and digitization".

The reform of the PA

The reform of the Public Administration is a solicitation that comes directly from the European Commission. The PNRR provides significant resources for the digitization of the PA and for recruitment policies since it recognizes that "the weak administrative capacity of the Italian public sector has represented an obstacle to improving the services offered and public investments in recent years and – as Assonime writes – recalls the importance of a public administration at the service of the citizen , efficient, digitized and well organized ". Assonime suggests directing recruitment towards technical and managerial skills and "implementing the qualification of contracting authorities, concentrating the management of contracts in entities capable of managing their complexity", also "creating a more result-oriented administration with organizational interventions and public management and with a modernization of the control system "and finally" implement the project of public databases and fully interoperable digital platforms ".

The reform of justice

In matters of justice reform, Assonime , dealing with economics, focuses attention on the economic side. "In order to create a favorable environment for business activities, the times of criminal and civil trials must be reduced " – reads among the proposals -. European resources can provide important support for improving the organization of the judicial system and introduce elements of managerial management of the activity and the allocation of workloads, distinct from the actual judicial function ". From an organizational point of view, Assonime proposes to eliminate, within the next three years, the “gigantic” backlog of sentences still pending.

Simplification and abuse of office

Simplification is also a request that comes directly from the European Union . According to the association, simplification should concern in particular “administrative decisions, first of all to overcome unjustified blocks of works. More than exceptions, the aim should be to improve existing rules ”. Assonime's suggestions concern the reform of the tax liability of public officials which should be made permanent, the cancellation of the crime of abuse of office and the elimination of gold plating for the rules on public contracts. Gold plating is a process whereby the powers of an EU directive are extended when it is transposed into national law.

The tax reform

Assonime, in defining his proposals in the field of tax reform, starts from the assumption that the Italian tax system has suffered a significant erosion of the tax bases of taxes . The association believes that "a reshaping of tax burdens from work and the company towards consumption and assets cannot be delayed". The first proposal concerns the revision of the IRPEF to be passed through the "reshaping of the tax rate curve and a drastic cut in tax expenditures". As regards VAT, on the other hand, it suggests an intervention on "reduced rates " in order to "simplify and rationalize the VAT application system", to which is added a "revision of property taxation with a view to greater equity" . These proposals go hand in hand with the now well-known fight against tax evasion.

Policies for work

In the field of work, Assonime considers it urgent to define new employment policies in order to accompany the system towards a modernization of the production system. A reform of the social safety nets is considered a priority in order to "allow an orderly exit from the redundancy block and the extensive use of layoffs" and the strengthening of "training policies for employed and unemployed workers".


The lack of a definition of the governance of the different areas of intervention of the PNRR is an issue raised by various associations and social partners. The European Union asks the states to identify a lead authority. In this regard, Premier Draghi announced that this function will be in charge of the MEF, in collaboration with the other Ministries. Assonime proposes to "define the organizational architecture in detail", identify in the Ministries, regions and local authorities a "top-level official referring to the national PNRR coordination network" and instruct the Parliament to ensure careful and transparent verification of the implementation of the Plan and the results achieved ".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/che-cosa-chiedono-le-grandi-aziende-private-e-pubbliche-a-draghi-su-iva-abuso-dufficio-e-tassazione-degli-immobili/ on Thu, 25 Feb 2021 19:33:06 +0000.