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What can Leonardo do for the security of Europe

What can Leonardo do for the security of Europe

What Alessandro Profumo, CEO of Leonardo, said yesterday at the 2020 edition of Cybertech this year in telematic mode.

“Digital technologies will become fundamental to the success of industry and society. This is why digital transformation must remain a top priority for the European Union ”. This is the thought of Alessandro Profumo, CEO of Leonardo, who spoke yesterday at the 2020 edition of Cybertech this year in telematic mode.

“The crisis due to Covid-19 has already taught us many lessons. One thing is very clear: the way we live and work is changing rapidly. And the transition to a digital future will only be faster ”. Profumo stressed that “on a practical level, the implementation of the European Union strategy on digital and data is an important step”.


"The enabling technologies for digitization, he stresses, are crucial in the aerospace, defense and security sector which absolutely needs to be 'secure by design': it means that security, privacy and resilience must be integrated into solutions and processes from the very early stages of design. I am sure that the Aerospace, Defense and Security industries will continue to lead the way ".


Leonardo's number one added: “Not only in terms of shared research and dissemination, but also by contributing to the safety and progress that these technologies offer to society”. Profumo then highlighted: 'The new European Commission recognizes that Europe must achieve technological sovereignty. There is a simple truth behind this purpose. There can be no security without technology. To achieve true 'digital independence', Europe must master the technologies essential to its security. In this context, the security sector, in particular cyber security, will have a crucial role to play ".


Profumo underlines the importance of a European strategy. “I believe that a strategy led by the European Commission aimed at strengthening Europe's security capabilities is indispensable. The reason for a joint approach is obvious ”.

“We know that sensitive technologies can pose a security risk if we only rely on non-European suppliers. The 5G debate is just one example. Secondly, the EU security strategy must also aim at strengthening the relationship with industry. This will allow us to have capacities capable of responding to current and future needs ”.

"In my opinion – continued the head of the former Finmeccanica company – it must be recognized that an innovative security industry is essential for Europe's technological sovereignty: this is why a specific security dimension should be part of the European recovery plan . Market forces alone will not lead to the solution. Security is a question of sovereignty ”.


For Leonardo's number one, there is a “need for will and political action that will allow us to develop high-tech security solutions for the future. And of course, the Covid-19 pandemic has exposed our collective weaknesses. Resilience to large-scale natural or man-made disasters must become a top political priority. Nations can prepare and respond effectively only by collaborating with the European security industry ”.


“For our part – assured Profumo – Leonardo is ready to play a key role. We will do this thanks to the skills and capabilities of our Cyber ​​& Security division. In the new context due to the health emergency, we have felt even more strongly our responsibility towards institutions, companies and citizens on the issue of safety. Our Cyber ​​Security division was immediately at the forefront, with various initiatives to protect critical infrastructures ”.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/innovazione/che-cosa-puo-fare-leonardo-per-la-sicurezza-delleuropa/ on Thu, 17 Sep 2020 05:10:39 +0000.