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What changes after Iran’s attack on Israel

What changes after Iran's attack on Israel

Between attacks, retaliations and reprisals – like the one Iran took in response to the Israeli raid on its embassy in Damascus – the world is helplessly witnessing a scenario with unpredictable consequences. Guiglia's notebook

The winds of war in the Middle East, with Iran's attack against Israel, are also reverberating in our country. Not only because, as Europeans, we should be aware of how necessary it is to guarantee the non-negotiable right to the free and peaceful existence of the Jewish State. Which is also the only democratic and Western country in the entire increasingly incandescent area.

At the same time, Europe knows equally well the contextual duty of ensuring a homeland for the Palestinians, who have for too long been at the mercy of any and all political exploitation by others.

But the wind of missiles and drones launched against Israel, extending the conflict and making it increasingly uncontrollable, should immediately mobilize the entire political-diplomatic world. Italian too, given, moreover, that there is one of our UN (Unifil) and bilateral (Mibil) contingents deployed in Lebanon, i.e. 1,300 soldiers committed to guaranteeing security and stability in the region. And considering, then, that the EU mission, Aspides, to ensure freedom of navigation for merchant ships in the Red Sea targeted by the Houthi armed group, is led at sea by Italy itself.

The American red alert on the "hourly" attack on Tehran had led the Foreign Minister, Antonio Tajani, to a long phone call with his Iranian colleague to urge him – it is not known with what chance of success – "to moderation".

“Moderation” sounds like a miraculous word in this bloody and very high-tension context. The language of violence prevails everywhere, as if war were an inevitable destiny. Also for Israel, which is fighting in Gaza in pursuit of Hamas, that is, those responsible for the barbarity of 7 October 2023. But the tragic accounting of civilian victims and requests for food aid has now been lost in the Strip. Just as little or nothing is known about the Israeli hostages still in the hands of terrorists. Innocents here and there pay the highest price. “Enough, stop!”, the Pope continues to say, unheard, to all the belligerents in every conflict.

Between attacks, retaliations and reprisals – such as that of Iran to "avenge" the Israeli raid against its embassy in Damascus -, the world witnesses helplessly a scenario with unpredictable consequences.

The United States warns Tehran: "We will do everything to help the Israelis defend themselves." But the Biden administration's months are numbered. The unknown about America that will come after the November vote for the White House, and the observation – at least so far – of the impossibility of being able to count on "moderation" help from other major players in geopolitics, should push the EU to take up the political and diplomatic challenge in the Middle East. Before it's too late.

(Published in L'Arena di Verona, Il Giornale di Vicenza, Bresciaoggi and Gazzetta di Mantova)


This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/iran-droni-israele/ on Sun, 14 Apr 2024 06:35:48 +0000.