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What do the BNL unions fear?

What do the BNL unions fear?

Here are the hypotheses that worry the BNL unions after the sale of Axepta. Emanuela Rossi's article

These are hot days, and not because of the weather, those that the workers of BNL, Bnp Paribas group, in Italy are experiencing. The industrial plan that should outsource part of the Back Office and Information Technology activities and lead to the closure of branches frightened them and the trade unions. “Over the years, employees have endured sacrifices and hardships, unfair workloads, serious deficiencies in health and safety. The management, perhaps deliberately, is destroying the old traditional banking model without being able to build the new service model "said Fabi, First, Fisac, Uilca and Unisin during the protest that took place a few days ago in Naples in front of at the headquarters of the BNL in via Toledo.

It should be remembered that in the spring Bnl experienced an important turning point with the farewell to the presidency – after 23 years – of Luigi Abete and the arrival of Andrea Munari who left the position of CEO to Elena Goitini.


Meanwhile, the bank accounts seem to be doing well . The second quarter of the year saw a growth in gross profit to 120 million euros (+ 27.1%), a figure that rises to 218 million if the January-March period is also added. A plus sign also for loans (+ 1.1%), driven by those to private individuals, and for deposits (+ 13.1%). Revenues for the second quarter of 2021 rise to 669 million euros (+ 3.1%) and the net interest margin drops by 2% due to low rates. And again: increase in commissions (+ 11%) and operating expenses (+ 3% to 435 million). The cost of risk decreased to 105 million euros.


Despite the numbers for 2021, the trade unions – which “welcome the excellent results of the Group and the company in the first half of 2021” – continue to express their fears. "Some of those results have been made possible by a patient and consolidated labor policy that has seen the signing of dozens of trade union agreements often with innovative content in the sector – write in a joint note Fabi, First, Fisac, Uilca and Unisin – . Not so much happiness inspires us the bad coincidence between such good news and the well-known industrial projects of dismemberment of the group and expulsion of 900 workers ”. The unions, however, "are determined to reject the clumsy attempt to treacherously hit their colleagues and, continuing the mobilization, are determined to prevent the process of expulsion of workers by resorting to all forms and means of struggle available". They certainly ask to "continue in the wake of the history of BNL, certainly with the necessary organizational adjustments to ensure its competitiveness, but without taking unknown paths that will certainly only have the outcome of the judiciary's pronouncements".

Moreover, as he tells Startmag Thomas Vigliotti, of Unisin Confsal national secretary, that the unions expect is clear: "In the short fews sales of business branches of IT and the back office for a total of 800 workers. In addition to the 110 of Axepta ”.

Meanwhile, another story is shaking up the credit union or the hypothesis of merger between Unicredit and Montepaschi, announced last week by the CEO of Piazza Gae Aulenti, Andrea Orcel. Fabi, First, Fisac, Uilca and Unisin do not waste time and "in consideration of the very recent developments" they ask again (they had already done so at the end of April) "an urgent meeting, also through videoconference" to the Minister of Economy and Finance, Daniele Franco, so as to “know the guidelines and intentions of the Ministry , as the majority shareholder of the Bank”.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/che-cosa-temono-i-sindacati-di-bnl/ on Tue, 03 Aug 2021 05:52:46 +0000.