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What does the agreement between the Italian and Spanish Antitrust provide

What does the agreement between the Italian and Spanish Antitrust provide

The president of the Spanish National Commission for Markets and Competition (Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia or "CNMC"), Cani Fernández, and the president of the Competition and Market Authority (AGCM), Roberto Rustichelli, today signed a memorandum of understanding in Madrid to foster the strategic cooperation of the institutions.

The agreement aims to promote the sharing of experiences and best practices between the two bodies and joint work on the identification of cartels as well as the conduct of antitrust investigations and actions to promote competition in both countries.

“I am extremely pleased to have entered into this bilateral agreement with the Spanish competition authority – commented Rustichelli -. I hope that relations between our institutions will develop further, foster positive interaction to better defend competition and keep attention, especially now, on the structural reforms of sector regulations in Europe. We both have the goal of protecting the free market to help bring economic prosperity to our countries ”.



Madrid, 27 October 2021 – The president of the Spanish National Markets and Competition Commission (Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia or the "CNMC"), Cani Fernández, and the president of the Italian competition authority. del Mercato or the “AGCM”), Roberto Rustichelli, signed a memorandum of understanding (“MoU”) in Madrid to further the institutions' strategic cooperation.

The agreement aims to promote the sharing of experiences and best practices between the two bodies, and joint work on identifying cartels and carrying out antitrust investigations and actions to foster competition in both countries.

According to CNMC president Cani Fernández: “Fighting cartels, rooting out abuses of dominant positions and making sure markets operate correctly and drive the economic growth of our countries are matters we have in common with our Italian counterparts. By signing the MoU, the CNMC reinforces its strategic cooperation with the AGCM, which I am confident will begin to bear fruit quickly ".

For his part, AGCM president Roberto Rustichelli said: “I am extremely delighted to have entered into this bilateral agreement with Spain's competition authority. I hope the relations between our institutions will develop further, foster positive interaction to better defend competition and keep our focus, especially now, on structural reforms to sector regulations in Europe. We both have a goal of protecting the free market to help bring economic prosperity to our countries ".

The MoU also includes the regular coordination of positions during European regulatory reform procedures, considers potentially conducting joint antitrust campaigns in Spain and Italy, and promotes cooperation through bilateral technical assistance, visits and expert training programs.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/cosa-prevede-lintesa-fra-lantitrust-italiana-e-quella-spagnola/ on Wed, 27 Oct 2021 16:36:06 +0000.