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What Draghi said in the Chamber about migrants, vaccines, tourism and (inadequate) rules of the EU Pact

What Draghi said in the Chamber about migrants, vaccines, tourism and (inadequate) rules of the EU Pact

Some of the responses of the Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, during the question time in the Chamber on migrants and the EU


The Italian government is committed to "exert intra-European pressure to return to an effective redistribution of migrants".

“As regards the Malta agreement, an active dialogue is underway with France and Germany to revitalize it. Our goal is to immediately activate a temporary emergency mechanism for relocation ”.

“In the face of this complex and dramatic political reality, the government wants to follow a balanced, effective and humane policy on immigration, no one will be left alone in Italian territorial waters, respect for human rights is a fundamental component in migration policy. The containment of migratory pressure in the summer months is now a priority with more intense collaboration from Libya and Tunisia in border control ”.


“The pandemic has had enormous economic effects on tour operators and we are working to get them started again as soon as possible and with maximum safety. The first initiative is the effort that the government makes for the rapid completion of the vaccination campaign. Between the end of June and the beginning of July we will have vaccinated all the frail and over 60 with at least one dose ”.


Regarding tourist flows, "as regards the G7 countries, in particular the USA, Japan and Canada, entry without quarantine in the event of vaccination certification will be favored".


“I want to be very clear. There is no question that the rules on the stability pact will have to change, but this debate has not started yet ”. Prime Minister Mario Draghi said this at question time. “My line is that the current rules are inadequate, they were and are more so for the exit from the pandemic. We will have to focus on strong growth momentum to ensure the sustainability of public finances ”.

Draghi recalls that “on March 3 of this year the European Commission adopted a Communication that provides some indications on the guidelines for budgetary policy one year after the outbreak of the pandemic crisis. This Communication outlines the approach that the Commission intends to follow regarding the deactivation of the so-called general safeguard clause – which has allowed Member States to use expansionary fiscal policies to face the crisis ”. “The Commission intends to anchor the deactivation of the clause when the EU economy returns to pre-crisis levels. According to current forecasts, this should not happen before 2023. Therefore, the topic of the debate on the revision of the budget rules remains, which was started in February 2020 and then suspended due to the pandemic. I want to be very clear about this: it is beyond question that the rules will have to change. However, this debate, which will take most of 2022, has not yet started. My line – and it is not from today, but for some time on this issue – is that the current budget rules were inadequate and are even more inadequate for an economy emerging from a pandemic ”. “In the coming years we will have to focus above all on a strong relaunch of economic growth, which is also the best way to ensure the sustainability of public finances. The revision of the rules must therefore ensure greater margins of action for fiscal policy in its counter-cyclical stabilization function. In particular, we must incentivize investments, especially to foster digital and ecological transformation. At the same time, the new rules must also aim to reduce the growing divergences between the economies of the Member States and to complete the European institutional architecture ”, he concludes.

(article being updated)

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/draghi-turismo-vaccini-patto-ue/ on Wed, 12 May 2021 13:45:21 +0000.