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What Eni and CDP will do with Zero for green startups

What Eni and CDP will do with Zero for green startups

Cleantech startups can count on Zero, an accelerator wanted by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti to encourage the development of green companies. Eni's role. The call for the selection of startups and innovative SMEs will be open from April 14, 2021

It's called Zero and it's the new startup accelerator in the cleantech field.

Born from the will of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti to create a National Network of highly specialized physical accelerators, Zero will be able to count on the collaboration of financial and industrial players, including Eni, Acea, Maire Tecnimont and Microsoft Italia.


Zero is an accelerator of cleantech startups, that is young companies that develop projects and technological solutions aimed at minimizing the carbon impact, facilitating the reduction of emissions, optimizing the waste cycle, speeding up the energy transition processes and promoting the circular economy. .


The accelerator, which was born with an initial endowment of 4.6 million euros, which will be followed by a further 1.8 million euros subscribed for the subsequent post-acceleration follow-ons, aims to support the development of 30 startups (or SMEs) Italian or foreign in the next 3 years.


Zero's acceleration program will be managed by LVenture Group and Elis, who will invest together with CDP Venture Capital Sgr in the selected startups.


The accelerator also boasts collaboration with major financial and industrial players. Eni will be the main partner, through the Joule Business School , active in the promotion and development of innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship (the Joule coworking area will be the physical location of the program).

Other collaborators also include Acea, Maire Tecnimont and Microsoft Italia, as corporate partners.


The call for the selection of startups and innovative SMEs will be open starting from April 14, 2021 on the website www.zeroacceleratorcleantech.com . Each young company that passes the selections will be able to participate in an acceleration path lasting 5 months, with the support of mentors, corporate partners of the project and selected investors.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/innovazione/cosa-faranno-eni-e-cdp-con-zero-per-le-startup-green/ on Tue, 13 Apr 2021 04:19:46 +0000.