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What happens in the pre-match for the post Mattarella at the Quirinale

What happens in the pre-match for the post Mattarella at the Quirinale

Paola Sacchi's Note

Matteo Salvini relaunches Mario Draghi's candidacy for the Quirinale, obviously with the formula according to which he would support it "with conviction" if the interested party intended to propose it. The Northern League leader does so on the day when Sergio Mattarella for the third time denies the possibility of his encore at the Quirinale. The first, more obvious reading of the relaunch by Salvini on the premier's name refers to the desire attributed to him to go to the polls in advance – compared to the expiry of the legislature in 2023 – in 2022, after the quirinal elections. And this perhaps could be useful to prevent that in the meantime the leader of FdI, Giorgia Meloni, is able to take her party, in the polls, above the League. It would be a virtual overtaking poll, which however would have a certain effect on the media level, since Meloni threw the gauntlet to the premiership if the center-right were to win the elections and Fratelli d'Italia were to become the first party in the coalition.

But there is another challenge, with a precise political meaning, that Salvini with the revival of Draghi al Colle also launches inside the center-right and to Meloni itself: beyond how things will go, the challenge of immediately registering the battle "Because at the Colle there is for the first time in many years a Head of State not coming from the center-left", they point out inside the League. Although yesterday Salvini held to emphasize that "the Quirinale should not have a partisan candidate." In fact, Draghi does not even come from the center-right, he is a superpartes figure. Even if it was Silvio Berlusconi who pointed it out to the ECB. And, in any case, Salvini announced some time ago on TV: “I will fight with all my strength so that a leftist does not go to the Hill”, thus immediately trying to make a battle of discontinuity. This immediately made the antennas of Enrico Letta's Pd stand up, to whom news and background, on his continuous out-outs to the League (or inside or outside the government), attribute the desire to create an Italian-style "Ursula" majority (Pd, Cinque Stelle, FI) just in view of the quirinal elections. For a Romano Prodi or "similar to Prodi"?

However, this hypothesis has already been flatly denied as regards the blue intentions by the national coordinator of Forza Italia, Antonio Tajani. But, beyond the objective difficulties, provided that the interested party wants it, who could meet a possible Draghi candidacy in a parliament that certainly would not jump for joy in the face of the objective risk of early elections, the issue remains. And a figure like Draghi would be a Euro-Atlantic guarantee for a center-right to which, if it were to win the elections, as all the polls indicate, the center-left that passed to the opposition would not discount with its continuous examinations on the rate of Europeanism.

Issue on which yesterday Letta resumed the attack. But Salvini again replied that the Lega from the government does not intend to move at all, rather "if Letta is uncomfortable in this majority, leave him", was Salvini's reply. That, beyond the soap opera of the day's disagreements with the leader of the Nazarene, there is no need to be trapped in the part of the “usual of Papeete” which in the end pulls the plug.

Probably also for this Salvini has tried to deny that the collection of signatures with the Radicals is an act against the Minister of Justice Marta Cartabia , whose reform guidelines he appreciated. Although adding that if the former yellow-red majority will oppose it, referendums will be the other possibility. In short, referendum as a stimulus.

But returning to the very partitissima del Colle, beyond Salvini's intentions for a discontinuity with regard to Presidents coming from the center-left, the problem of a choice that takes into account the changed face of the country, where the majority of the Regions are led by the center-right , stay. “We would need a figure that is not an enemy of the right or the center right, if it is not Draghi, who better than someone like Pier Ferdinando Casini? He was recently elected in the center-left, but when Matteo Renzi was still leader of the Democratic Party, but he, a former right-wing DC certainly cannot be cataloged in the left wing .. “, reflects a long-time center-right former parliamentarian.

The match has just begun. Naming names too soon risks burning them, as has happened so many other times. But this time the situation is so unprecedented, from all points of view, that it is difficult to imagine that everything will go as expected, at least in the modalities.

Salvini, meanwhile, is keen to underline that he, however, "out of respect for President Draghi" does not intend to put any deadline on the government "which is national reconstruction".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/cosa-succede-nel-pre-partita-per-il-post-mattarella-al-quirinale/ on Thu, 20 May 2021 05:12:41 +0000.