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What is China looking for in Venezuela

What is China looking for in Venezuela

China's interest in Venezuela is explained by the presence, in the subsoil of the country, of coltan, a strategic material. The article by Giuseppe Gagliano

Several timeson these pages we have emphasized the unstoppable penetration of the policy of projection of Chinese economic power in Latin America.

The ever closer ties between China and Venezuela are a clear demonstration of this. Whether the Venezuelan president has appointed Felix Plasencia as foreign minister is certainly not a coincidence, but the result of the close relations between the former ambassador to Beijing and China. Therefore, his appointment can only strengthen the economic and military synergies between China and Venezuela in an anti-American function.

Metaphorically we could say that China has managed to build a kind of Chinese triangle in Latin America that includes Venezuela, Argentina and Chile. also the result of the presence in the subsoil of Venezuela of coltan , a strategic material in the context of civil and military electronics.

But alongside coltan there are other essential minerals for the industry such as iron, bauxite, copper, coal, titanium and nickel, mainly present in the Orinoco mining area.

It goes without saying that China's trade agreements with Venezuela – most of which are secret protocols – are part of the New Silk Road and have a commercial value of several billion dollars.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/cina-venezuela-coltan/ on Sat, 07 May 2022 06:34:37 +0000.