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What is said about taxes, nuclear power and justice between the center-right, center-left and third pole

What is said about taxes, nuclear power and justice between the center-right, center-left and third pole

The last sparks between center-right, center-left and third pole. Paola Sacchi's note

The scheme is ancient, ideological, almost thirty years old, and now it sounds a bit obsessive. Alarm from the left for the center-right enemy, always and only called "right", at the gates. The new controversy, after that about Medvedev's exit, is that according to Enrico Letta in an interview with CNN "if Meloni and Salvini win, they would celebrate Putin, Trump and Orban". The president of FdI replies dryly: "In this way you discredit the image of Italy in the world".

In all this, the so-called third pole of Matteo Renzi and Carlo Calenda, between an attack on Letta for the exclusion of "Renzians" and reformist-guaranteeists from the Pd lists, and another at the center-right that "makes Meloni dictate the agenda ”(Renzi on the FdI proposals) appears tossed about. It seems a today here, tomorrow there, with the risk that then in politics, as in history, the voter rewards the original of one side or the other.

At the center of the electoral tussle, in reality, between the center-left, which would be more to be called the left, after the center has almost disappeared in a sea of ​​dem candidacies where the old red of the former company is central, there are two opposite visions of Italy . One is that of the Democratic Party, with welfare proposals – dictated by the principle of redistribution and not growth -, of new taxes such as the "dowry" for eighteen-year-olds with a specific inheritance tax and other measures of state subsidies that could be a harbinger of new taxes; on the other hand, the center-right which aims straight at the “reduction of the tax burden”, underlines Matteo Salvini. The leader of the League goes back to explaining how "with the flat tax, also extended to other self-employed workers and in the coming months to employees and retirees, growth would be favored with new revenues".

If in the Pd program, which also nominated the radical and environmentalist left of Nicola Fratoianni, opposed to the enlargement of NATO, and Angelo Bonelli, the word nuclear does not even exist, in the center-right program on the contrary it is seen as a decisive way out for the serious energy crisis. The issue, combined with waste-to-energy and regasification plants, was put back to the center yesterday by Silvio Berlusconi in one of his social interventions. The Cav also returned to the reform of justice, another neglected issue on the left, with the need for the separation of careers: "The prosecutor and the defense attorney must deal with equal rights and equal tools, as happens in other Villages".

Tax cuts, nuclear power and justice reform are also in the third pole program. But the clash appears above all between the two main sides. The clash also ignites on the candidacy of a young Pd author of anti-Semitic tweets from 5 years ago, as Salvini first attacks. The author, Raffaele La Regina, with Letta recognize the error and the accident is considered closed in the house dem. "The past is past", the secretary of the Democratic Party cuts short.

But the past, in fact, it seems that for the left curiously never passes when it comes to the opponents. Insidious the video of the Foglio with the head of the cabinet of the mayor of Rome, Roberto Gualtieri (Pd), Albino Ruberti, whothrows shock threats to others, at the end of a private dinner, with other dems, including a Pd candidate Francesco De Angelis . The latter withdraws his candidacy and Ruberti resigns. Salvini tweets: “Disturbing episodes in the Pd house”.

But, returning to the clash on the proposals. It is the one between Letta and Meloni that has especially inflamed yesterday. The president of FdI relaunches her proposal for naval blockades against the landings of illegal immigrants and the trafficking of human beings. “From 2011 to today, or since the left has been in government – reports Meloni – more than 800,000 migrants have landed on the Italian coasts. Almost a fifth, over 140,000 people, in the past two years. Only 8% of those who landed illegally have obtained the right to asylum or protection. The others, almost all single adult men of working age, are illegal immigrants ”. The president of FdI underlines: “An unsustainable situation, also in terms of security, for Italy and for the whole of Europe. For years the European Union has been asking member states, and Italy in particular, to defend national and European borders ”. He continues: "In 2017 the Commission hypothesized a naval blockade, to stop the departure of boats and deaths at sea, and numerous other times it asked for serious and concrete measures to strengthen the external borders and cooperation with third countries to fight against illegal immigration. It is also the content of the new EU pact for migration and asylum wanted by Ursula Von der Leyen. This is the only case, in which "Europe asks us" but the left does not like it and it is not done ".

Meloni also proposes "a surety" to guarantee the payment of taxes for "open and close non-EU companies". For Letta: “Crazy proposals”.

Meanwhile, the League has closed the nominations. The entire government team, the deputy secretaries, the group leaders have been reconfirmed. Among the new entries Simonetta Matone. In the Senate, women are 56 percent of candidates in single-member constituencies.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/cosa-si-dice-su-tasse-nucleare-e-giustizia-tra-centrodestra-centrosinistra-e-terzo-polo/ on Sat, 20 Aug 2022 06:00:29 +0000.