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What is said in the center-right about sanctions on Russia

What is said in the center-right about sanctions on Russia

The latest news of the electoral campaign (not only at the Rimini Meeting and not only on sanctions against Russia). Paola Sacchi's note

More than an interviewee now questioned by the mainstream media on his rate of alleged pro-Putinism, tailed to the centimeter on the basis of theorems denied by the same authorities in charge of security, Matteo Salvini reiterates that it is necessary "to evaluate the usefulness of the instrument of sanctions against Russia".

Says the leader of the League, on the sidelines of the meeting of Communion and Liberation in Rimini: “The sanctions should hit the sanctioned, but the numbers tell us the exact opposite. It is the first example in which the sanctioned person gains and the sanctioner 'leads us' ”. And the attack by Enrico Letta, also in Rimini, immediately starts, and warns: "The worst thing that can be done is to give signs of yielding to Putin", who is blackmailing Italy and the EU.

It is a less intense clash than the day before yesterday with Giorgia Meloni. But that's enough to rekindle the media spotlight on alleged divisions even in the "right", between Lega and Forza Italia. In reality, even Antonio Tajani, vice president and coordinator of Forza Italia, says, from a more nuanced position, that "sanctions cannot be eternal". Even if, he pressed the blue number two, “for the moment they should not be removed”. Because "first it is necessary to make the Russian Federation understand that the violation of the law is something that provokes a reaction on the part of the international community". "We – insists Tajani – are on the side of Europe, the West and NATO, but we work for peace and the sooner this war ends the better".

Even Salvini in recent days has repeatedly repeated in speeches and interviews that, as is written in the programs, from that of the center-right to that of the League, one can only stay "with the West, with freedom, on the side of 'attacked and not with other regimes ”. The leader of the League often cites the names of Aldo Moro, Bettino Craxi and Romano Prodi, leaders who represented Italy as a country "protagonist of a policy for diplomacy and peace".

In the end, more than between Meloni and Letta, between which however there is a clash over work and recipes for energy and presidentialism (Letta: price cap also in Italy; Meloni and the whole center-right: European price cap and enough taboo on nuclear power ; Read: "We must not lapse into presidentialism"; Meloni: "So, France would be unpresentable?"), The opposition between the Pd leader and Salvini on sanctions prevails in the media.

In Rimini, where Meloni, present for the first time at the CL meeting, is highly applauded, there are all the main leaders on stage: from the president of FdI to Salvini, Tajani to Maurizio Lupi practically at home (for the center-right), to Letta and Luigi Di Maio, for the Democratic Party and Civic Commitment, the former Five Stars joined with Bruno Tabacci, or what remains of the wide field, with Ettore Rosato of Renziana IV joined with Carlo Calenda in the "third pole".

The only one excluded is Giuseppe Conte, the pentastellato leader who protests. "We are excluded because we are outside the system," says the former prime minister, in an evident attempt to turn the situation to his advantage, by building what, according to polls, could be the real third pole from the rubble.

However, two very different photographs emerge from Rimini: on the one hand, a compact center-right, albeit with a plurality of nuances and political leaders; on the other hand the unfinished center-left that appears frayed between the former campo largo, where Di Maio's splinters are in place of the Five Stars, and the skipped agreement on the right flank of the left with Renzi-Calenda. The Pd di Letta is, however, the dominant pole on the front as opposed to the center-right.

Meanwhile, Silvio Berlusconi, in his program pills on social media, returns to the theme of the house, "sacred good, the first investment of families". Remember: “80% of Italians live in their own home. We will never allow a property tax to be applied ”. The Cav proposes to reduce the tax burden, starting with the elimination of the Imu for occupied or uninhabitable properties and to introduce a flat rate tax for all rents. He announces for the relaunch of the real estate sector: “We will also introduce a single taxation for the purchase of the first home, that is a tax of only 2%”.

Among the candidates of Forza Italia Stefania Craxi, senator of FI and president of the Foreign Affairs commission. Craxi claims to be "happy and excited to represent the center-right coalition in the single-member constituency of Gela in Sicily, which embraces 65 municipalities in the provinces of Agrigento and Caltanissetta for the Senate and, at the same time, to compete under the banner of Forza Italia in Lombardy , two strategic realities ". Craxi continues: “It is a great honor to spend myself in Sicily, the land where the roots of my family are found. I am, among other things, an honorary citizen of San Fratello and Mazara del Vallo ”. The FI exponent observes: “Sicily is the cradle of our civilization, a bridge over the Mediterranean. The Sicilian people have always been able to reconcile the autonomist inspiration with republican patriotism, the value of traditions with the need to open up to modernity ”.

Meanwhile, Meloni begins his electoral campaign from Ancona, in the Marche region torn from the center-left, with the governor Francesco Acquaroli of FdI. In a packed square he reiterates: “I have no reason to apologize, if not for expressing solidarity by posting a video totally obscured and published by a newspaper. Isn't it strange that I am much more discussed than the rapist? ".

The themes of the election campaign are many, they get tangled, just as the languages ​​of the leaders are many. Rimini brings together almost all of them, even before the debate on TV. Which initially should have been only between Letta and Meloni.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/salvini-sanzioni-russia/ on Wed, 24 Aug 2022 05:43:51 +0000.