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What is wrong with Italian universities

What is wrong with Italian universities

Alessandra Servidori's post

In the days in which we host a series of events in the context of the G20 in Rome, research shows that Italian universities are out of the ranking of the 100 best academies of the countries making up the assembled group, thus fiercely underlining the cultural and structural delays of the university system. local. Moreover, Eurostat data have also recently highlighted the gap between Italy and Europe with respect to the percentage of graduates between the ages of 30-34 and their insertion into the world of work three years after obtaining the master's degree.

All the analyzes lead us to invest and accelerate a solid bridge between universities and businesses, which most of all can guarantee a smooth transition for young people from the world of education to the world of work. Already 11 years ago with Law 183/2010, the legislator reaffirmed the role (sanctioned for the first time in our system also by Legislative Decree 276/2003) of universities as a key player with respect to the (difficult) meeting between demand and supply of work , establishing the obligation for each University to carry out specific intermediation services: free publication of curricula from the day of enrollment of the individual student up to 12 months after graduation, with free access by interested companies; obligation to connect to the National Labor Exchange at the time through the portal www.cliclavoro.gov.it ; provide the Regions and the national system with any information useful for monitoring professional needs and for the proper functioning of the labor market.

But in truth all this does not happen in a compliant manner and it is still a mirage for students to have a relationship with Italian companies through placement.

Of course, there are some established good practices that consist of real meetings with students for the revision of their curricula or seminars on how to effectively support a job interview. But activities still remain too heterogeneous in their degree of diffusion at the national level and in their quality.

The role of placement is strategic when the connection between the student and the world of work is already created during the training course, with the aim of providing him, in itinere, with those tools and awareness that will allow him to better orient himself in the world of work or , in some cases, to already have an occupation even before having completed the studies, for example through third level apprenticeships, which guarantee a parallel and profitable growth of the training and professional background through the alternation method, without forcing the student to “choose” whether to study or work (as in many cases it already happens, especially as regards the students of first level computer science or engineering degrees, so much requested by companies).

In most universities it seems that the number of companies with which young people come into contact is still concentrated more on large ones, leaving less space for SMEs. It is enough to consider moments such as recruiting days or career days, real opportunities for meeting and exchanging success stories between young people and research and selection experts, HR managers, managerial figures, it clearly emerges that there is still a long way to go.

The lack of systematic monitoring data does not allow us to understand how the meeting between students and companies evolves into a training opportunity (internship or thesis in a company) or a job opportunity (apprenticeship, fixed-term contract).

Then the truth is that the request for a payment for the organization of recruiting or career days which, in theory, should be included in the intermediation activities of universities, therefore not for profit, there is no doubt that the costs required, especially relatively to large public universities, they go up a lot, becoming almost unsustainable for an SME.

A recent novelty is represented by the so-called recruitment decree which introduces the important novelty for public administrations: the possibility of stipulating apprenticeship contracts, albeit in derogation from the ordinary regime, intended for young graduates and university students including PhD students. In relation to specific training and work projects, vocational apprenticeship contracts (so-called "second level") and advanced training and research (so-called "third level) contracts to involve young people already in possession of an upper secondary diploma in training and work paths, and students enrolled in academic tertiary courses, from graduation to masters and PhDs.

It is important for young people to build integration paths based on the professional growth of human resources thanks to an investment in their training and skills – absolutely innovative elements, at least for Italian public work.

It has been 10 years since, for the first time, the legislator (2011) had foreseen the possibility of activating apprenticeship contracts also within public work but not even the Jobs act had managed to achieve the goal of achieving it.

The challenges related to the management of projects (and funds) connected to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan have reasonably given a decisive boost in the recruitment of young people in the public administration and responds to training and the new professional needs of public administrations, since apprenticeships professionalism imposes the need for renewed attention to the construction of professional profiles and personnel classification systems operating within the public sector and the skills connected to them, accompanied by a necessary structuring of training courses in the workplace to achieve these qualifications.

The activation of the advanced training and research apprenticeship requires the structuring of innovative synergies between public bodies and institutions of Italian higher education for the design of training profiles and the management of alternation between training carried out on the job and that provided by universities, thus opening the doors to further constructive relationships to favor continuous training and research processes.

Crucial elements for the economic and social recovery and for the good management and grounding of the projects and resources of the NRP because it gives life to people, companies and universities also because it is necessary to adapt all the discipline of apprenticeship a formidable tool for to innovate (and renew) its organization and its role within society.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/cosa-non-va-nel-placement-delle-universita-italiane/ on Sat, 31 Jul 2021 06:36:49 +0000.