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What Macron will do in France on vaccines, jobs and pensions

What Macron will do in France on vaccines, jobs and pensions

All of Macron's moves in France on the vaccination campaign and economic recovery. Enrico Martial's article

The Delta variant is answered with vaccinations and then everyone has to work harder. In his speech yesterday, at 20 and two days before the national holiday of 14 July, French President Emmanuel Macron outlined a scheme that encourages vaccinations, limits any restrictions to the unvaccinated and puts in place some measures and reforms from here to presidential elections of 2022, with a scenario for 2030.


The mandatory nature of vaccines is limited to the personal care sector, where latecomers have until September 15 for the two doses, after which they risk suspension from work and salary. Health and non-health personnel in hospitals, nursing homes and home care are involved. In the rest of the population over 12 years still to be vaccinated, there are only incentive measures and dedicated campaigns. The concern is for those over 60 who have not yet been vaccinated (21% without any dose in the 60-70 age group), for the most difficult to reach people (in difficult neighborhoods or in the countryside), or with obesity problems.


In September there will be a vaccination campaign in schools, the recall for vaccinated in January and February will be available from the same date. Right now we need to use the 9 million doses available, and those that will arrive. The government will also push to strengthen WHO's worldwide ACT-A vaccination, the development of further new variants must be thwarted.

The aim is to remain open, the restrictions will therefore apply to the unvaccinated. From 21 July to those over 12 without a pass, or a PCR test that is more difficult to obtain, access to places of leisure or culture with more than 50 people will be prohibited. The pass will also be the way to avoid quarantines coming from travel from countries at risk. Based on the law that parliament will have to approve and which is presented on July 13, from August the restriction will be introduced for the unvaccinated in bars, shopping malls, hospitals, retirement homes and socio-health institutions, as well as on longer journeys in train, bus or plane. The PCR test will cease to be free from autumn, subject to medical prescription, precisely to facilitate vaccination. The area of ​​possible exacerbations, including future ones, encourages vaccination and promotes freedom and economic activities.

Macron boasted the actual results of the choices made, his baggage with which to present himself to the next election year. In fact, the country had closed schools for 9.7 weeks, compared to 23.6 weeks in Germany, 43.6 weeks in the United States, according to UNESCO. 40% of the 100 billion “France Relance” plan (the PNRR from beyond the Alps) is already spent, he said that France is considered the most competitive European country in digital.


Macron foresees three actions on economic revival and reforms with which to face next year's elections. On the one hand, there is the so-called “strategic” autonomy in production, with the relocation (from China in particular) of industries and research: for example, France now produces paracetamol entirely on its territory. Between the French presidency of the European Union from January 2022 and internal relaunch, the idea of ​​setting up "European and national champions" is confirmed, as seen on the battery gigafactories (PSA and Total in Lille), or it is intended to in biotechnology, agriculture, green technologies, digital.

The second point is work, as he already said at the beginning of the pandemic, in March 2020: competitiveness and production allow the French and European social model, debt containment, positioning in the world, work is the real answer to economic crisis. So we need more training, involvement of young people with a new “incentive income” from September, more adaptation to changes for those who have a job or are looking for it. Of the 300,000 jobs lost in 2020, 187,000 were recovered in 2021 as permanent contracts, today companies cannot find one in ten employees.

The third point is more problematic. With 42 different pension schemes, he said, the inequalities are too strong, some special systems need to be dismantled for those entering the labor market (and therefore without touching the "acquired rights"). Then, to ensure a decent pension in the future, at least one thousand euros a month, you will have to work longer, given that you live longer. In the debate these days, we are thinking of 64 years, compared to 67 in Italy.

According to Medef, the French Confindustria, this reform risks bringing people to the streets and therefore retarding growth. If in recent days it has been pointed out that the entire crisis of the yellow vests had affected only 0.1% of GDP, many still hope for a necessary tranquility towards the elections and in the economic revival.

Therefore, the pension reform will take place "when health conditions allow it", in the words of the French president.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/macron-francia-vaccini-lavoro/ on Tue, 13 Jul 2021 06:38:13 +0000.