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What Orcel wrote to Unicredit employees

What Orcel wrote to Unicredit employees

Extract of the letter that Andrea Orcel, CEO of Unicredit, sent to the employees of the group

Dear colleagues, dear colleagues,

I hope you have all managed to take a break during the summer and feel energized and enthusiastic about what awaits us in the coming months. Personally, I am looking forward to meeting many more of you in person, in our branches and offices both in Italy and abroad, as now I can finally start traveling again as I had planned.

I have said this in the past, but it is worth repeating: only when we work in harmony as a single UniCredit will we be able to express the full potential of our Bank. And this is an immense value.

For now, this means staying focused on executing the Team23 strategic plan, which integrates and combines the three areas identified for improvement and optimization: digitization, simplification and focus on our customers.

We have already made great strides in all these fields, always with solid and satisfying quarterly results. The formal appointment of Jingle Pang has completely changed our concept of technological and digital offer. I know that Jingle will soon communicate its vision on UniCredit's digitalization journey, so that all of you can understand what the goal we are working towards and the impact it will have on our Group.

Last quarter we made significant changes to the Group Executive Committee (GEC) and its direct reports, and we revised the structure of the committees in Italy to increase the time and resources available to our Bank and our clients. Now I want to replicate these changes at every level of our organization and more generally throughout the Group. As demonstrated in Italy, and as I hope it will also happen in other regions during this quarter, simplifying means bringing leadership closer to the decisions we make every day. And it is precisely at this stage that your contribution takes on crucial importance.

Each of you plays an essential role in the transformation of our organization, and that is why I want you to continue to focus on achieving our goals. In particular, I ask you to focus on three fundamental things by the end of the year.

First of all, I ask all of you, who know this business better than anyone, to do everything possible to transform UniCredit into a better bank. Please continue to share your ideas, challenges and constructive criticisms with me, large or small. In fact, I am convinced that suggesting an improvement at Group level is as important as the request of a single individual to modify an activity that can make his daily work more efficient. Give us all the advice you want: what's important to you is exactly what we need. And this is precisely the approach that will allow us to become the best in our industry.

Secondly, continue to focus on the Team23 plan, always taking responsibility for your actions, pursuing excellence and acting independently: this is the essential attitude to achieve our goals and show what we are capable of.

Finally, find the right balance between leadership and teamwork. Do not wait for others to show you the way to follow, rather guide them and leverage the spirit of the Group. We are always stronger if we work together!

If we can do all of this, we will be able to meet the expectations of our customers and communities, both today and in the future.

I don't know what awaits us yet, but I know that our new strategy will show us the way to go: towards a future where we will act faster, achieve even more satisfactory results, and offer the best possible services to all our customers.

And customers are at the center of UniCredit's strategic plan: from our digitization path already illustrated by Jingle, to the definition of our Purpose as the principle underlying everything we do, to the construction of a culture in which each of us can identify. , of which he feels a part and is proud, that he favors the achievement of our goals of sustainability, diversity and inclusion.

We are already working on all of this, and I am committed to completing these plans by the fourth quarter. Similarly, the due diligence process relating to MPS proceeds in accordance with the provisions of the memorandum of understanding. I urge you to fly higher than the gossip you hear or read, and I assure you that I will continue to update you whenever we have new and concrete information to share.

But now we must continue to improve and strengthen our Bank. I confirm my commitment to meeting the expectations of all of you as quickly and efficiently as possible, and I ask you to help and support me in realizing our ambitions and achieving other goals.

You are a fantastic team, with immense potential, and I was really impressed with your ability to continue running the Bank despite the uncertainty of recent years.

Just think about what could happen when we have more certainties!

Andrea Orcel

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/che-cosa-ha-scritto-orcel-ai-dipendenti-unicredit/ on Thu, 02 Sep 2021 16:09:04 +0000.