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What was said at the Rimini Meeting on Green new deals and renewables

What was said at the Rimini Meeting on Green new deals and renewables

The article by Nunzio Ungiusto

Italian companies are galloping towards the green transition but in Italy "it takes years to implement a shock treatment with legislative reforms": the words of Marco Brun, CEO of Shell Italia, at the Rimini Meeting . Pronounced during a debate and a political reflection on what is happening with respect to a great strategic plan.

In the last 5 years a third of Italian manufacturing companies have made green investments: from energy saving, to renewables, to process and product innovation, explained Ermete Realacci, president of the Symbola Foundation, in the meeting “Green economy, green welfare? ". The exciting theme was proposed by Realacci, a longtime environmentalist, together with committed managers.

They said interesting things by showing a longer look at politics. In Symbola they argue that Italy is by far a superpower of the circular economy.

The industry saves 21 million tons of oil equivalent and 58 million tons of CO2 emissions annually, they say.

His politics tells one a day, but if we really are at the beginning of one of the most serious crises of the second post-war period, Brun added, like all crises, there is also an opportunity here.

The energy sector will play a crucial role in the restart, so everyone gets busy.

There is no shortage of those, unfortunately, who try to use the pandemic in an instrumental way to slow everything down. They are gathered in a hundred places of power and play to postpone, review, not decide, in essence.

The winning industrialists face a completely different scenario, when it is necessary to invest, study, explore new applications.

The word system is crucial. It is that word that must push the government to do well, because that third of companies with a green vocation are too low to compete and perhaps win over others.

Symbola collects data and engages with companies that help it to develop targeted actions.

Time is ally and you can't wait without taking damage. The need for action is the connecting point for all those who put money into a new economic system. At the Meeting it was clearly stated.

As it happens, "what is missing – Massimo Bruno of Italia Enel replied – is a common vision of where we want to go and this is reflected in the slowness of the bureaucracy".

And then the Parliament that gets stuck, because “even the Simplifications Dl, the Enel executive said, could have been a little more daring. The risk is that we will never reach the objectives of the Pniec (Climate Plan) ”. Do you understand where we are and what awaits us?

Giuseppe Conte hopes that for the next regional Pd and Cinquestelle they are together above all for the green deal and environmental sustainability. It pushes them to join forces, but Italy must relaunch the energy infrastructures, so little loved by the grillini that they have blocked them everywhere.

Realistic again Brun who recalled that "today a great work in Italy takes on average almost 16 years to see the light, of which 8 due to bureaucratic trifles." It is necessary to simplify the authorization processes, otherwise the investments cannot be made.

And if the sad alliances Pd-Cinquestelle really win at the regional in September? Will Conte have the strength to bring "his" people back to pragmatic positions other than the outlandish oppositions to everything that makes a country advanced? Yes, he has a lot to lose in a historical passage on the environmental side and many are ready to remind him. In these August diatribes, we remember the fight against the Tap gas pipeline in Puglia (useful for the energy transition) of a Minister Cinquestelle pasdaran del Conte-1, of opposing committees, of a re-nominated governor and of a tubone today ignored by tourists and bathers.

The Recovery Fund also found space in Rimini. A great opportunity on which managers see "a bit of confusion", reports Adnkronos . The objectives are not clear, and least of all the ideas for using that money, when it will arrive. Ultimately, the Rimini debate told us that a superpower of the circular economy is not moving this way.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/energia/che-cosa-si-e-detto-al-meeting-di-rimini-su-green-new-deal-e-rinnovabili/ on Fri, 21 Aug 2020 05:30:48 +0000.