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What will be done for tourism in Italy?

What will be done for tourism in Italy?

Gianandrea Abbascià's blog "Economia del gusto"

A parenthesis, a pause, for "Economy of Taste" served to reflect on what has happened in recent months on the topic of Tourism and to observe how much strength this country has in not giving up. And the economic data, the “post summer” indicators confirm this.

It is well known by now that I believe tourism to be a topic, a central element of our country. A real driving force for our economy. In July 2018, right here on Start Magazine my first reflection on tourism , its potential and how giant the world revolves around it went online.

From there then, in 2019, "Economia del Gusto" was born, also here on Start Magazine , a column, a blog, which had, and has, the purpose of focusing on some food for thought, of an economic nature, and not, on the tourism theme.

A series of "episodes" followed one another that tried to emphasize the need to ensure that our country adopts a common policy, a structured system, which could concentrate energies and fully enhance the entire artistic heritage. -cultural, food and wine, landscape and above all that would make people understand how tourism encompasses an infinite series of related themes; jobs, training, infrastructures, direct and indirect services, development of the territories with their specific "uses and customs"; in short, to concentrate it in a single term "Made in Italy"!

Then came the pandemic, the tsunami that swept the whole world calling into question everything, first of all our daily lives and our priorities. The paradox, however, is that sometimes not all evils come to harm (even if we would have done without them, obviously !!!) and precisely the pandemic has made tourism become a topic of attention, because, a bit like many sectors, brought to its knees in a decidedly excruciating way.

In fits and starts we tried to run for cover with support policies, sometimes efficient, sometimes less, but the positive thing is that, despite everything, with gritted teeth, we managed to overcome the most critical phase.

The tourism theme has been the subject of so much attention throughout 2020, treated in all its facets that, after years, the new government, last February, decided, chose – dutifully and strategically I would add – to make it independent by giving birth to the ministry of Tourism.

This represents a decisive value because it makes us understand how much it truly represents a strategic value for the country. If we also think about the PNRR and the resources to be managed for related projects, the choice of having a dedicated Ministry can only represent an optimal choice.

Let us not forget also that Italy has the National Tourism Agency (ENIT) and it represents a further strategic force. In this regard, we learn, from the official website of ENIT, that the "Valore Paese Italia" project was presented ( here the link for those interested in learning more ) and for what Economia del Gusto is and wants to be, this it is very positive news and of great value!

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/cosa-si-fa-per-il-turismo-in-italia/ on Sat, 23 Oct 2021 06:35:24 +0000.