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What will be the future of Forza Italia according to Tajani

What will be the future of Forza Italia according to Tajani

What Antonio Tajani said in the press conference on the future of Forza Italia after the death of Silvio Berlusconi. Paola Sacchi's note

Antonio Tajani makes the announcement at the press conference, alongside the blue leaders of the Chamber, Senate and the European Parliament: Paolo Barelli, Licia Ronzulli, Fulvio Martusciello. Forza Italia goes on. The blue coordinator, deputy prime minister and foreign minister makes public, as she authorized him to do, the message of "esteem, friendship, support, affection of her whole family for Forza Italia received from Marina Berlusconi, for what she defined one of the father's most important achievements”.
It is a framework that already sounds like a further, decisive confirmation of Tajani's investiture after Berlusconi, with the role of pro-tempore president of the party which by now seems clear will be conferred on him by the national council which will be convened next Thursday by the presidential committee. There will be no technical times to convene the congress before the Europeans. “His thoughts and dreams will remain in all of us to make them come true. The leader of Forza Italia will always be Silvio Berlusconi, whose name will remain in the symbol. Forward united”.
On 29 September, on the occasion of what would have been the birthday of the founder and former four-time premier , a large blue convention and the membership campaign will start already in June. The blow was great, Tajani moved underlines that for him it is "a sacrifice" to hold this press conference. But, beyond the background, hasty analyses, a little peppered with clichés, which made Forza Italia's media funeral practically simultaneously with Berlusconi's real ones, the signal that comes from Tajani and the blue general staff is clear .
Of course FI has various souls, often even in conflict with each other, but now is the time for unity. Tajani, answering a question, indirectly denied all the journalistic background, stating that "Marta Fascina is Berlusconi's life partner, a deputy, there is no need to carve out formal assignments". Now, net of the background, the point is all political. It concerns the role of Forza Italia. Waiting for the first real test of the European elections in less than a year. Berlusconi in his last interview with Augusto Minzolini, director of the "Giornale", spoke of the need to favor a new majority in Brussels between Popolari, of which FI is the Italian representative, and Conservatori, of which Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is president, who also leads FdI. Berlusconi's goal was to bring FI back to double digits. And Meloni herself has all the advantages in this crucial moment for the blue estate to create the European alliance.
Even if it is physiological that going to the Europeans with the proportional system "it will be competition", Tajani announces determinedly. Which reiterates the "loyal" support to the government of which FI is a shareholder. This is also to deny the rumors about possible transfers of FI to Matteo Renzi's Iv which would put the government in fibrillation. And also towards FdI and Lega, who, moreover, would not appreciate any transhumance. “Liberals, pro-Europeans, Christian Atlanticists, reformists, guarantors. The center of the centre-right”,
Tajani repeats and relaunches the distinctive blue code, in the sign of the Cav. Maurizio Gasparri, vice president of the Senate, says that there is a future immediately after the funeral in Milan: “De Gaulle was survived by Gaullism, Berlusconi will survive Berlusconism. The Berlusconi will always be there”.
The thesis is also at the center of yesterday's editorial in Augusto Minzolini's “Giornale”. And always in the same newspaper, the blue deputy Andrea Orsini, something more than a simple parliamentarian, assistant in the shadows, often Berlusconi's ghost writer, explains why Berlusconism, the liberal soul introduced by the Cav even in the language that is not that conservative, even if she is an ally, has left a deep mark in the country: "It was Berlusconi who cleared the term communists through customs, to attack the left, which was not done before, to give a voice to an industrious and profound Italy", writes Orsini.
Finally, the Tajani factor. Co-founder of FI together with personalities such as Antonio Martino, a long and prestigious curriculum in Europe. Moderate in tone, content and manners, but also clear-cut and courageous in choices. An episode that many may not remember. On an official visit to Tunisia as president of the European Parliament several years ago, the future Italian president did not hesitate to go to the grave of Bettino Craxi. Accompanied by Stefania Craxi – FI senator, current president of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Commission, former undersecretary for foreign affairs in the last Berlusconi government – ​​Tajani spoke at the Christian cemetery in Hammamet of an "undeserved exile" for the socialist statesman. He was president of the European Parliament, so far the highest institutional office to make that gesture and to pronounce those clear words in times when it was more difficult.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/tajani-berlusconi-forza-italia/ on Sat, 17 Jun 2023 06:53:53 +0000.