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What will change on the fringe benefits with the Maneuver

What will change on the fringe benefits with the Maneuver

Maneuver 2021, here are all the news regarding fringe benefits

End of year race to approve the 2021 Budget Law, the first of the Draghi era. The text, even if delays are possible due to the government's maxi amendment, will arrive in the Senate on 21 December and then arrive in the House from 27 to 30.

Pending transmission to Parliament, the provision has meanwhile "risen" from 185 to 219 articles. Among the novelties, the proposal to extend or even make structural the doubling of the amount of the tax-free fringe benefits.


The doubling "It was introduced in August 2020 (the so-called August Decree ) and confirmed in 2021 ( Sostegni Decree in article 6-quinquies )", explained to Policy Maker the pentastellata senator, as well as former Minister of Labor, Nunzia Catalfo , which "signed a priority amendment in the 2022 Budget Law to extend the measure for next year". A transversal legislative novel, capable of bringing together the PD as well as the Lega, Forza Italia and Movimento Cinque Stelle: "I know that there is another text signed by Forza Italia that plans to make the measure structural: I therefore hope there can be a convergence in the majority ”, added the former head of the Labor Department. “It is a tool capable of establishing a more human relationship between employer and employee”, explained Roberta Toffanin, vice-president of the Finance Committee and signatory of the forced amendment, also to our newspaper.


Probably the term fringe benefit will be unknown to most: it includes a wide range of services and solutions that, according to the legislation, enjoy tax benefits: cards for purchases (to be spent also online), petrol vouchers, goods and services for sustainable mobility , insurance policies. Furthermore, very often fringe benefits include various forms of vouchers which, using digital or paper tools, can be spent at commercial activities and affiliated service providers. "It is necessary to take into account – Catalfo declared – that in addition to having had a good impact, the measure intervenes on a very large number of sectors: from health to transport, even for family members".

And in fact the content is very broad if we consider that on 27 May 2021 the Revenue Agency, through resolution 37 / E , confirmed the possibility for the company to enjoy the tax benefits provided for by article 51 of the TUIR. (paragraph 2, letter f-bis) for the reimbursement paid to the employee for the purchase of PCs, laptops and tablets for distance learning (DaD) of the children.


In the last two years, characterized by the economic emergency closely linked to the pandemic one, companies have been able to offer their employees a series of corporate welfare services for a maximum value of € 516.46, double compared to € 258.23 euros provided for by the legislation, totally exempt from taxation. "We believe that never as in this period – Senator Toffanin told us – should we focus on corporate welfare: we need to make the doubling structural in order to be alongside businesses, workers and families, especially now that they will face increases in electricity and gas bills ".

In fact, the purpose of the intervention is threefold: on the one hand to push companies to introduce corporate welfare, especially SMEs which are the vast majority of our productive fabric, on the other hand to support workers economically and, finally, to give a boost to consumption in such a delicate period as the contingent one. In fact, the figures that employers allocate to corporate welfare go to supplement the normal salary but, unlike the latter, cannot be set aside as they have to be spent by workers within the fiscal year of reference. According to an elaboration by The European House – Ambrosetti, the passage from 258.23 to 516.46 euros could lead to at least 4.7 billion in consumption by 2023, with a consequent increase in VAT collected by at least 1 billion.

(Article published on Policy Maker )

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/manovra-fringe-benefit-cosa-cambia/ on Sat, 18 Dec 2021 07:08:21 +0000.