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What’s really new with the Draghi government

What's really new with the Draghi government

All the news that emerged not only from the debate in the Chamber on trust in the Draghi government. Paola Sacchi's note

Is the mainstream left on the Draghi government? The sensation one gets immediately is that they are talking about the Draghi government, reading the new political dynamics, which have yet to take shape, with the lens of a certain unconscious nostalgia for an unborn Count. And this is always trying to nail Matteo Salvini in the corner of "anti-Europeanism", the real news. A novelty in front of which some left seems a bit confused, since the Lega would have preferred an enlarged majority up to a Forza Italia perhaps in an additional position.

If the center-right comes out divided by the confidence in the Draghi government (also received yesterday by the House with 535 yes), with FdI confirming its no, while reiterating through its president Giorgia Meloni that the coalition, at the head of the clear majority of the Regions, continues , soon he will meet again for the Administrations and, “after this interlude, he will campaign together for the Politics” (Meloni scans in the courtroom at Montecitorio), the left still seems a bit stunned. And prey to ancient automatic reflexes.

It launches an intergroup with the same majority as before, despite the earthquake of the no to Draghi who also came to the House, after those 15 of the Senate, from the dissident Five Stars, which strengthen the center-right in the Senate.

But, despite this, certainly mainstream journalism, in tune with a sort of nostalgia for the unborn Conte ter, overly emphasizes against Salvini those words of Draghi on the “irreversibility” of the euro.

As if a premier of the caliber of the former president of the ECB, with his "high profile" speech, wants to pursue small schemes of the previous policy of digs and jabs, rather than, as he has largely done, indicate a vision. Notation, this, outside the chorus of Vittorio Macioce of the Journal .

Salvini does not fall into what Daniele Capezzone in La Verità already the other day clearly called "provocations" of a certain left and certainly mainstream. On the contrary, he enthusiastically re-launches his choice of “not standing outside screaming, while the others decide for the country, to stay instead where the use of the money from the Recovery Fund is chosen”.

The Northern League leader reiterates that "we and the Democratic Party will always think differently", but that now we must "sit down together to immediately address two decisive priorities:" Health and work ". He stresses: “Europe is our home, but is it anti-European to say that we don't like the Europe of austerity?”.

The former Minister of the Interior shakes off a label that some would like to remain, now that even the so-called "Eurosceptics" Alberto Bagnai and Claudio Borghi speak with Draghi, precisely because of the influence he exerts in Europe, a language that seems different from before, while not failing to "rewrite the rules".

Salvini exalts Draghi's words on the redistribution of immigrants in Europe and concludes, perhaps to give his opponents a bit of amused suspense: “I liked almost everything about Draghi”. The leader of the Lega in Montecitorio, Riccardo Molinari, underlines those “prejudices against us that we have always governed in the territories, in the municipalities, in the regions”.

Without wanting to get caught up in the fashion of coloring the Draghi government politically, because, as the premier himself baptized it, "it is the government of the country", yet even last night in Montecitorio there was almost greater satisfaction from the League and Forza Italy for the words of the Prime Minister.

Luca Paolini, a lawyer from the Marche region, a guarantor, an early leaguer, says he is sure: "In the end, this choice of responsibility will also reward us on the electoral level, because with us in the government the Italians are struggling with the two serious health and economic emergencies , they will feel more protected ”. Attorney Paolini rejoices at Draghi's words on justice, for a fair trial of a reasonable duration, “in line with the average of all European countries”.

The liberal, former Pli, Giuseppe Basini, member of the League: “I applauded him until my hands were skinned! As they did in Forza Italia and Matteo Renzi's Italia Viva, I noticed instead much less enthusiasm obviously among the Five Stars and more shyness in areas of the left ”.

Forza Italia with Silvio Berlusconi returns to applaud Draghi with conviction, claiming the primacy of having indicated the choice of "an extraordinary response to an extraordinary era", as underlined by the new parent company Roberto Occhiuto.

National coordinator Antonio Tajani underlines, echoing Draghi's words, that this is a government of "national reconstruction, like the one that saw Christian Democrats, Communists and Socialists together". And Tajani underlines the “Euro-Atlantic” anchorage in the Draghi government's foreign policy, in short, a turning point compared to the executive's relationship with a China that appeared closer.

“This has always been our choice, liberal, European, Atlantic, Christian”, the blue group leader Occhiuto says. Berlusconi, playing with the words: "We must all do our best". And among those all, the real news is the League, according to the polls and the last Italian elections.

Graziano Del Rio , leader of the Democratic Party in the Chamber, makes a speech that sounds more open than that of others at the same dem summit, so much so that he also speaks of the "constituent phase".

The time is coming when that creeping "conventio ad excludendum" retro-thought by a certain left towards the League, which has been at the helm of many Regions and Municipalities for many years, will fall, in the face of such obvious changes, also certified by numbers of almost all the last elections?

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/che-cosa-ce-davvero-di-nuovo-con-il-governo-draghi/ on Fri, 19 Feb 2021 05:40:30 +0000.