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Who and how distorted Draghi’s speech at the Rimini Meeting

Who and how distorted Draghi's speech at the Rimini Meeting

What did Mario Draghi say and what did he make us understand in his speech at the Meeting of Communion and Liberation in Rimini. Paola Sacchi's note

Those who force Mario Draghi's words at the Rimini meeting in an anti-"right" way speak of a warning against the so-called "sovereignists". And this despite the fact that in the unitary program of the center-right the stakes of belonging to the EU, "less bureaucratic and more political", and to the Atlantic Alliance are fixed.

But, if we go to the political synthesis of the premier's speech, who in any case warns against "protectionism" and "isolationism" and invites us not to abandon the defense of Ukraine, the main message is the exact opposite of the alarmist one of the center left. on the eventual victory of the "right". That is, the scheme on which the Democratic Party, with the "third pole" of Matteo Renzi and Carlo Calenda to follow – the latter with more vivid tones – has set up the electoral campaign.

Draghi clearly states, however, that “any” government will be there, “Italy will make it this time too”. And he urges the Italians to go and vote. A radically different message, therefore, from the center-left that fears havoc, “chaos” (Calenda) if the “right” wins.

It will be said that a personality like Draghi, called to lead a national emergency government, where almost everyone joined, obviously could only make a speech of confidence in the future and in all the political forces of his majority, which stood out at the above the electoral squabbles. Some perhaps too malicious observers have even seen the hypothesis that Draghi may one day settle on the Hill, who knows. One fact is that Draghi's did not sound like a mere farewell speech. And yet, somewhat paradoxically, it is precisely that "third pole" that appears in trouble, given low figures in the polls, created with the aim of preventing a clear victory of the center-right, causing a non-victory, such as that of Pier Luigi Bersani in 2013, and then called Draghi again to lead the government.

Which government? Calenda, even if the center-right wins with a weak majority, assumes that the executive will last 6 months and then start major shuffling of cards. With "Ursula" majorities extended to the "healthy part of the League". Terms that evoke repertoires of communist memory, when the PCI, as in a classic, appealed to the "healthy part of the country". The leader of Action evokes scenarios of splits in the League, which have held the bench for months on the mainstream media, but never occur. And, in any case, Calenda insists: "Doors open also to Giancarlo Giorgetti (minister, deputy secretary of the League, reconfirmed by Matteo Salvini in the nominations, ed )". Then, the leader of Action attacks the Northern League voters themselves, accusing them of "having problems if they believe in Salvini". Igor Iezzi, deputy, from the secretariat of Via Bellerio, invites him to "apologize to Salvini and the voters of the League". Pd and "third pole" start to attack the center-right with a narrative on the end of the national emergency government, however, contrasting with the facts of the crisis.

They accuse Lega and Forza Italia of making him fall together with the Five Stars. But Silvio Berlusconi and Salvini had proposed a Draghi bis without the pentastellati, or rather the authors of the open crisis with the non-confidence vote on the Aid decree. Renzi himself had also initially proposed an encore Draghi without Five Stars. And the leader of IV had also revealed in a video the alleged maneuvers of the Democratic Party on the pentastellati to vote for a Draghi bis, presented to them "in reality as a Count ter".

In short, a nice mess that certainly could not have endorsed the center-right of the government, however conspicuously ousted by Letta in the talks with Draghi the day before the fall of the government in the Senate. Only in the late afternoon, preceded by a protest phone call from Berlusconi, Antonio Tajani, Salvini and Maurizio Lupi were received at Palazzo Chigi. Rewinding the tape of the film of the crisis, the situation of imbalance on the left of the executive of almost everyone, also emerges from the previous days in which Letta put the majority under stress by bringing divisive measures into parliament such as those on cannabis and ius scholae after 5 years. Stefano Candiani of the League in the Senate told Draghi: "There is not a majority of children and stepchildren." It was just over a month ago.

Now the center-right is all concentrated in an electoral campaign that brings him back to Palazzo Chigi. Salvini advises his people in the rallies to stay "with their feet on the ground and not take victory for granted", photographed by the polls with a gap of up to 16 percent. The Northern League leader does not give up on the goal of making the "Lega first party" return. He appreciates Draghi's speech that he asked for a ceiling on the price of gas in Europe. But, adds Salvini, "in the meantime, Italy can and must move on its own, extracting and importing more gas, freeing all the plants blocked by bureaucracy". And, “as the rest of the world is doing, using all sources of energy: gas, coal and clean nuclear”. Proposals that differentiate, with the reduction of the tax burden and the flat tax, security, the center-right from the center-left.

Berlusconi, in his daily program pill on social media, returns to the construction of the Bridge over the Strait. Giorgia Meloni, after being attacked by Letta for posting the video, published in the newspapers, then removed, on the rape in Piacenza, emphasizes the security emergency "in our cities: widespread petty crime, violence, open-air drug dealing, baby gang ". The president of FdI proposes "greater coverage of the territory, with an increase in the resources and endowments of the police forces". And relaunches the “Safe roads” operation.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/mario-draghi-meeting-rimini-sovranismo/ on Thu, 25 Aug 2022 05:19:59 +0000.