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Who fans the Middle Eastern fire

Who fans the Middle Eastern fire

Fanning the flames of the war between Israel and Hamas and arming the attackers is Iran, a fanatical regime repressing its own people. Federico Guiglia's notebook

Even though the other war that Hamas has just unleashed against Israel may seem distant, the first negative effects are already being felt in Europe too, exactly as happened in the aftermath of the first and equally dramatic conflict of which Putin was guilty in comparisons with Ukraine for almost 18 months: the economy is under attack.

Nothing comparable, of course, to the horror that the Israelis are suffering due to the missiles and surprise incursions of terrorists determined with hatred and violence to erase the Jewish state from the Middle East, and which have already caused thousands of victims including deaths, injuries and kidnapped. With particular fury towards civilians, children, women and the elderly.


But the endless atrocities, against which Tel Aviv is preparing for an unprecedented counter-offensive ("The response to Hamas will change the Middle East", announced and warned the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu), also produce the inevitable uncertainties of the markets . So much so that yesterday the stock markets all closed in the red and gas prices rose sharply in the reference market of Amsterdam, just as the BTP-Bund differential recorded an ups and downs due to the strong tension (end of the day: 205).

The spread war is the result of the two wars in Ukraine and Israel, although very different from each other. However, both strike at the heart of free societies – or those eager to free themselves – and non-negotiable values.


The fact that the Iranian regime, fanatical and repressive of its own people, is fanning the flames and arming the attackers , only worsens the Middle Eastern scenario and therefore also the risk of serious repercussions on the economic and energy future of Europeans.

But today the geopolitical priority and the stakes between free world civilization and barbarism are one and the same: how to save the lives of the hostages in the bloody hands of Hamas, and how to preserve Israel's right to existence and security. A right that will be enforced with the military response that the political authorities in Tel Aviv are announcing with all the means of communication, as if to prepare the world for a reaction that will be very harsh in the face of the monstrosities suffered.

There is great concern among the five main Western countries – including ours – gathered in an emergency summit.

The time to make choices has come for everyone.

(Published in L'Arena di Verona, Il Giornale di Vicenza and Bresciaoggi)

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/iran-guerra-hamas-israele/ on Wed, 11 Oct 2023 05:25:45 +0000.