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Who, how and why is ranting against the government on the Superbonus

Who, how and why is ranting against the government on the Superbonus

Comments and reactions of the construction sector to the government decree on the Superbonus

On the Superbonus, the Meloni government has pulled the emergency brake. The Minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti , former Minister of Economic Development in the past executive led by Draghi who had had to maintain the measure for reasons of political stability, made it clear that the situation has simply gotten out of hand so as to generate a new public debt equal at two thousand euros each for Italians (not "taxpayers", therefore also including babies). To draw a parallel with the pre-existing abyss of public debt, the per capita one does not reach 50 thousand euros, so the situation is really serious. Hence the need to intervene with the utmost urgency in the CDM with a provision that prohibits public administrations, such as the Municipalities or the Regions, from purchasing the tax credits linked to the Superbonus.


However, the government's sudden slowdown on the Superbonus does not please the sector, with a post-intoxication that risks being one of the worst, with bad debts in circulation and chain bankruptcies of those who have exposed themselves, by purchasing them or, on the construction side, starting work, hiring and investing in the purchase of more machinery. Several groups and social gatherings born in the last few hours essentially to rant against the executive's decision. A decision that also confirms the fears of the condominiums who remained halfway through the ford and of the administrators of those regions who had decided to take charge of the problem loans.


"The transfer of credit was born in 2016, well before the introduction of the superbonus, to encourage the use of tax deductions by less well-off families", underlines Giorgio Spaziani Testa, president of Confedilizia . “In the following years – he added – the mechanism has been modified in various ways, as questionable as everything. At least perplexing, if confirmed, is the Government's choice to eliminate this system altogether. Throwing the baby out with the bathwater wouldn't be the wisest choice."


“If the Government blocks the purchase of credits by public bodies, which are taking charge of solving a social and economic emergency underestimated by central administrations, without having yet identified a structural solution, thousands of businesses will be permanently without liquidity and construction sites will stop completely with serious consequences for the families”, is the warning that comes from the number 1 of Ance , the builders' association, Federica Brancaccio .

“I hope this is a mistake. I cannot believe that the Government is thinking of stopping the process of purchasing credits by the Regions without having first identified a structural solution that avoids the collapse”, continues Brancaccio . "Since October we have been waiting to understand how to resolve a situation that has become dramatic: we do not realize the devastating consequences on the economic and social level of such a decision".

"We were hoping for a solution that would solve the problem of non-performing credits, but not only is there no solution to the problem, but the Government is blocking, except in limited cases, the possibility of continuing to apply the discount on invoices or assigning credits", he had already made known the president of Confartigianato Marco Granelli commenting on the law decree on the assignment of credits approved today by the Government.


On the opposite side, i.e. of consumers, the concerns of the president of Anaci (association of condominium administrators) Francesco Burrelli arrive: "The situation is dramatic, because everything that has been started cannot be completed: 90,000 construction sites are stopped and over 150,000 workers blocked. -The real estate chain will have to manage an enormous amount of litigation. And public condominiums certainly cannot be asked to advance the money for the works. Is this how you want to promote the building redevelopment that Europe is asking of us? Should the incompetent also take charge of it?”.

Some Regions, such as Sardinia, Basilicata and the Province of Treviso, had decided to take charge of problem loans to avoid chain bankruptcies: «I hope for a common-sense solution to help businesses, which boast a right that certainly cannot become wastepaper. – says the president of the Basilicata Region, Vito Bardi (FI) – As a Region we want to help construction companies and workers in Basilicata, we trust in a government or parliamentary solution to that effect».

According to the president of Ance Calabria Giovan Battista Perciaccante : «The Decree just passed by the Government frustrates the positive work undertaken with the Calabria Region substantiated in the very recent meeting with the competent Regional Commission aimed at tackling and solving in a structural way the problem of stranded tax credits deriving from building bonuses.


Superbonus, what the government has decided

I'll explain how and why the government intervened on the Superbonus. Zanetti's analysis

There's an elephant in the government room: tax credits. Here because

Here's how Eurostat debunks the alarms of the Accounting Office on the Superbonus. Liturri's analysis

All the flaws of the Superbonus 110%. Reuters reports

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/chi-come-e-perche-sbraita-contro-il-governo-sul-superbonus/ on Fri, 17 Feb 2023 11:51:38 +0000.