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Who leaves the center-right by surprise

Who leaves the center-right by surprise

The latest evolutions of the Sheet founded by Ferrara and now directed by Cerasa

The director of the sheet Claudio Cerasa yesterday spat the kernel of his cherry against the center-right. Which was also the alignment in support of which that newspaper was proudly born, founded by Giuliano Ferrara after the brief experience of minister for relations with Parliament in the first government of Silvio Berlusconi, still friendlyly called "our love" in the editorial office.

Water from its origins has passed under the bridges of the Foglio , for which Berlusconi has continued to have sympathy even after having ceased to be the de facto publisher. On the other hand, even before that he had been able to live with Ferrara's not always playful unpredictability. Which is easy to give advice and not easy to resign yourself to their uselessness. And Berlusconi is certainly not one who when he asks for opinions or if he lets them be given, he feels bound to stick to them. He did not want to know, for example, when Ferrara suggested that he support Massimo D'Alema's candidacy for the Quirinale. To which the Knight himself phoned to explain the reasons for a purely political incompatibility, which he could not have waived further without losing his electorate, having already helped him to assume the presidency of a bicameral commission for constitutional reform. And D'Alema witty replied by begging Berlusconi to publicly shout out that incompatibility freeing him from the suspicions he got among the left-wing voters by that "Dalemoni" given to him by Giampaolo Pansa on the Espresso .

Ferrara was unable to make himself heard by Berlusconi even when he advised him not to take sides in the 2016 referendum against the constitutional reform approved by the Matteo Renzi government. In which Ferrara himself had seen and indicated the "royal baby" of the Knight of Arcore. There was no way. Berlusconi, even at the cost of finding himself in the referendum campaign with D'Alema – yes, always him – and even with Beppe Grillo, remained on the no front out of spite against the political and somewhat personal rudeness that he believed he had suffered with the decision of the then Prime Minister to nominate Sergio Mattarella to the Quirinale in 2015. And also remembering the "straight back" demonstrated by resigning as minister in the nineties, with other exponents of the Christian Democratic left, against a law that regularized, with commercial TV, the three networks of the Biscione.

This too, of course, has passed since Berlusconi then spent a lot to appreciate the Mattarella del Quirinale. On the other hand, the water on which Cerasa set about navigating spitting his icing against the center-right – moreover the day after the resuscitation of the alliance attempted by Berlusconi himself, receiving Giorgia Meloni in his Sardinian villa and making her enchant in front of his collection of butterflies – is that of the administrative elections of 3 and 4 October. For which in important cities such as Rome and Naples the center-right has nominated unpresentables, according to the director of the Foglio , for their ambiguities on vaccines in times of pandemic and for a mixture of roles between politicians and magistrates. Among the latter, in fact, the center-right has chosen the candidate for deputy mayor in Rome and the candidate for mayor in Naples. "A center-right like this is perhaps better to lose than to find it," wrote Cerasa.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/chi-molla-a-sorpresa-il-centrodestra/ on Fri, 06 Aug 2021 05:39:19 +0000.