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Who really killed Paolo Borsellino

Who really killed Paolo Borsellino

The explosive statements – ignored by the newspapers – of the Borsellino family's lawyer to the Parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission. Damato's Scratches

The Borsellino affair – Paolo, the magistrate colleague and friend of Giovanni Falcone, killed on 19 July 1992 in Palermo 57 days after him in similar circumstances, both jumping with their escorts in high explosive attacks – is no longer just judicial for the misdirections that characterized investigations and trials. It has now become – with even more disturbing aspects, in my opinion – also a media affair. Indeed, a malfeasance.


Disconcerting, to say the least, that the sensational hearings at the parliamentary anti-mafia commission of Borsellino's daughter, Lucia, and her husband Fabio Trizzino, the family's lawyer, on the suspicion felt by the magistrate of having been sentenced to death more by his colleagues than by the mafia, ended up on the front pages of only two newspapers that we can define as a guarantee niche. They are L'Unità by Piero Sansonetti and Il Dubbio by Davide Varì, who succeeded Sansonetti himself at the helm of the lawyers' newspaper. Everyone else found the matter less worthy of attention than, among other things, the Esselunga commercial on the apple with which a little girl tries to reconcile her separated parents.

Yet in the room of the parliamentary commission chaired by Chiara Colosimo (in the photo) – of which we now understand even better the strong hostility reserved for her right-wing candidacy for eight months also by the Grillino movement of Giuseppe Conte and Roberto Scarpinato, former prosecutor general of Palermo – Borsellino's words, collected by his wife a few days before his death and re-proposed, in particular, by the lawyer Trizzino, resonated. Here they are: “They will kill me but it won't be revenge from the mafia. Those who kill me will be mafiosi but those who wanted my death will be my colleagues and others."


Five days before being killed, Borsellino had in vain asked the head of the Palermo Prosecutor's Office to deal with a voluminous dossier known as "mafia and procurement" and drawn up by the Carabinieri. Who, in truth, was interested in but also Antonio Di Pietro, who many years later would talk about it in an interview with L'Espresso telling, among other things, that he was dealing with Tangentopoli, Bettino Craxi and various financed parties illegally, but in reality he wanted to pursue the plot reported to him by Borsellino. By pursuing whom "Tonino" could have tried to climb well beyond Craxi, until he reached the then Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti, already in the sights of Giancarlo Caselli in Palermo.

Everything is known, someone will say with a shrug. But, thanks to the obstinacy with which Giorgia Meloni, driven into politics as a girl by the Borsellino tragedy, wanted Colosimo to be president, it is finally being discussed in the Anti-Mafia Commission. There would be better things to deal with or re-busy about, but written and spoken, digital and printed information prefers the Esselunga apple . Poor journalism.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/chi-ha-ucciso-davvero-paolo-borsellino/ on Thu, 28 Sep 2023 05:58:37 +0000.