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Why are we starting to talk about avian in Europe again?

Why are we starting to talk about avian in Europe again?

Here's what we know about the "worst avian flu epidemic" in Europe, according to a German state agency. Data, facts and comments

Not only Covid, the worst avian flu epidemic in its history is underway in Europe. This is stated by the German institute Friedrich Loeffler (Fli), a government body for research on animal health. The alarm was raised by Israel, but already "the end is not in sight", say the researchers.


The first outbreak of the virus that causes avian influenza A (H5N1) was identified last October 18 in Israel in the Plain of Esdraelon, about fifty kilometers from the Hula nature reserve, which is located near the border with Lebanon and Syria. In this area, where tens of millions of migratory birds travel from Europe and Asia to Africa every year, the epidemic has developed, which has already killed 5,000 cranes in the north of the country and imposed as a precaution. culling of hundreds of thousands of chickens.

The origin of these epidemic phenomena, writes the Ministry of Health in this regard, is attributable to the migration of wild birds mainly from north-eastern Europe (Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia).


First identified in Italy more than a century ago, explains the Higher Institute of Health (ISS) , avian flu is a bird disease caused by a type A influenza virus, which can be low or highly pathogenic.

Widespread throughout the world, avian flu can infect almost all bird species, albeit with very different manifestations. If caused by a highly pathogenic form, the disease onset suddenly and is followed by rapid death in almost 100% of cases.

Many wild birds, the Ministry clarifies, despite being carriers of the virus, do not show symptoms of disease but transmit the virus to domestic poultry which, on the contrary, manifests very serious forms with mortality phenomena.


In the period 2020-2021, according to the Ministry's website, several European countries have been affected by an epidemic of avian flu caused by subtypes H5N1 and H5N8. The epidemic wave of 2020-2021 was one of the largest and most enduring highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) epidemics ever to occur in Europe and practically affected almost all European countries including Italy.

In 2021 alone, the number of H5N1 outbreaks currently confirmed in the domestic poultry population, according to data updated to 6 December, reached over 280 outbreaks and 614 in wild birds while 105 outbreaks in domestic and 191 were confirmed for the H5N8 subtype. in the wild.


"We are currently experiencing the most violent avian epidemic ever, in Germany and in Europe", reports Adnkronos, quoting the words of the Fli, who says that new cases are discovered every day. "The end is not in sight: the affected countries range from Finland to the Faroe Islands to Ireland, from Russia to Portugal," say the researchers. Cases have also been detected in Canada, India and East Asia.

According to the institute, it is not just birds that are affected. In Germany, between early October and December 29, 394 infections were detected in wild birds, including ducks, geese, swans and seagulls, and 46 in poultry farms.

In the same period, in Europe, the data collected by the Fli show 675 infections in wild birds and 534 in farmed animals and there have also been class jumps, as well as species: some cases have also been ascertained in mammals, for example among foxes in Holland and Finland, gray seals in Sweden, common seals in Germany and otters in Finland.


In Italy, we read in the circular of the Ministry of Health "Outbreaks of avian influenza of subtype H5N1: information and indications" , signed by the director general of Prevention Giovanni Rezza, the epidemic is more widespread in Veneto, in the provinces of Verona and Padua, and Lombardy, in the provinces of Brescia and Mantua. At the beginning of November, an outbreak in Lazio was also confirmed, immediately circumscribed without further spread of the virus in the area ".


"According to the provisions of the 'National Strategic-Operational Plan for Preparation and Response to an Influenza Pandemic (PanFlu 2021 – 2023)' – continues the document – a 'group of experts' was set up to define the functioning of the national network of laboratories human and veterinary publics for the early identification of the circulation of influenza virus strains with zoonotic potential in order to activate a rapid alert system for influenza epidemics, including pandemic ones. The group of experts has already met and is monitoring and evaluating the situation ”.


"At present – reports the ministerial circular – the risk of transmission of the avian virus to humans is considered low but in consideration of the evolutionary potential of the virus, it is considered necessary to monitor the situation in order to identify any changes".


The animal rights association Lega anti vivisection (Lav) explained that the density of the animals, often "crowded in unsuitable spaces" and "made each identical to the others by genetic selection", also promotes the spread of the pathogen in farms. This, the organization said, “creates the perfect ground for the proliferation of pathogens. The immune defenses of these animals, stressed by the conditions in which they live, are in fact insufficient, making them easy prey and a vehicle for the transmission of the virus ".

Already at the beginning of December, Lav reports, about 4 million animals were killed in Italy alone (most of them were broiler chickens, i.e. those destined for the meat market), but also in the rest of the world the numbers are very high and continue to increase outbreaks.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/sanita/perche-si-ricomincia-a-parlare-di-aviaria-in-europa/ on Thu, 30 Dec 2021 12:07:37 +0000.