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Why Cartabia upsets Labor

Why Cartabia upsets Labor

How Marco Travaglio's Fatto Quotidiano is digging into Justice after Alfonso Bonafede's exit from the ministry now run by Marta Cartabia

For those who had begun to pleasantly feast their eyes, let's say, by associating the Ministry of Justice – after the almost three-year passage of that eternal disheveled Alfonso Bonafede – to the always orderly and elegant figure of Marta Cartabia, the representation adopted is becoming nothing short of unpleasant. a few days ago from Fatto Quotidiano . In the drafting of which he evidently regrets the Ministry of via Arenula Bonafede as at Palazzo Chigi Giuseppe Conte. That compared to the other has at least on his side – I recognize – a certain elegance of clothing and also a farewell photo even touching, with that staff overlooking the windows on the courtyard who applauded the outgoing president with his girlfriend, until he cried the spokesman Rocco Casalino. I frankly imagined everything about it, after having read so many about his style of work, except yielding to emotion in a circumstance of that kind.

Today, Friday 14 May 2021, the newspaper where they still manage to find, in every sense, almost all the souls, trends, currents, moods and so on of the 5 Star Movement, which came out of the 2018 political elections as it once happened to DC, that is by relative majority force, the Ministry of Justice is associated in the front page vignette with three whores, as those skimpy women are called in Rome, so to speak, who represent in Riccardo Mannelli's imagination "Grazia, Graziella, Grazialcazzo and Justice". We now hope that no reader of Travaglio, taking him at his word and losing his mind, will not burst into the building in via Arenula to try to make them a party.

Two days earlier, Wednesday 12 May, Mannelli himself had offered or proposed – you say – to the readers of the most widely read newspaper under the five stars another vulgar representation, to say the least, of "Stoned Justice", inventing a table number 22 of the Illustrated Encyclopedia of Italypedia. What a fantasy and what a taste, with that scale of justice hanging from that shame of a blindfolded woman who shouts to the four winds I don't know if her enjoyment or her disgust anymore! It's satire, beauty.

Not at all trivial, for heaven's sake, but just as controversial had been the day before, Tuesday 11 May, the representation of the Ministry of Justice, its new owner and its reform projects offered to the readers of the Fatto Quotidiano with title, photomontage and summary. Fortunately, Mannelli's cartoonish contribution was missing.

The headline shouted: "(In) justice – Two laws ad personam of the Caiman resurrected – The Cartabia turning point is that of Berlusconi". The summary explained the "à la carte trials" cultivated by the Minister of Justice: "Under pressure from Forza Italia, Lega and Italia Viva, the minister recycles Pecorella (rejected by" her "Council) on the halved appeal and the" priorities "of the crimes decided by the Parliament ". I repeat: by Parliament, not by the Government, or by the Minister, or by an unauthorized parking attendant drawn by lot. Finally, the photomontage featured the keeper of seals in a festive hint of dance, as in a cabaret, between the usual Berlusconi in double-breasted and the equally usual Salvini in shirt sleeves.

Allow me at this point a thought of understanding and solidarity to the President of the Council Draghi for the prospects that await him struggling with the grillini of the various trends on the issues of justice.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/perche-cartabia-turba-travaglio/ on Fri, 14 May 2021 06:21:07 +0000.