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Why Chinese wire cricket embarrasses Di Maio post China

Why Chinese wire cricket embarrasses Di Maio post China

What is Beppe Grillo doing to Luigi Di Maio? The Scratches of Damato

To see and hear Luigi Di Maio in Bianca Berlinguer's television living room floundering as foreign minister and leading exponent of the 5 Star Movement on the G7 just held in Cornwall, frankly one did not know whether to cry or laugh, to pity him or be scandalized by him. "I do not think – he said at one point, defending himself in particular from the pressing questions of Lucia Annunziata, backed by the presenter – that" Grillo's visit to the Chinese ambassador in Rome, which lasted three hours, upset the fate of the G7. close to the international summit.

At that point, the minister pretended not to realize that the controversies, doubts, suspicions and anything else created by that visit, from which the new head in pectore of the 5 Star Movement Giuseppe had fortunately escaped at the last moment. Conte, were already outdated due to the further initiative taken by Grillo. Who, as not an ordinary citizen or a comedian in effective permanent service but as a "guarantor" of the Movement, recognized as "irreplaceable" by Conte, had decided to host and publish on his blog an article by Andrea Zhok, professor of anthropology and philosophy in Milan, in which the G7 was liquidated, but also the subsequent NATO summit, as an “old-ideological parade” led against Russia and above all China by the new president of the United States. Who would be wrong to defend, re-propose, relaunch and so on "his own unilateral world supremacy", practically treating the allies as subordinates.

How can this vision of things and men be reconciled – presumably shared by Grillo before, during and after his long meeting at the Chinese embassy in Rome – with that of Prime Minister Mario Draghi, certainly not a dissenting participant in both the G7 and the NATO summit , Di Maio did not want and was able to explain. Nor how does that participation of Draghi, and the complacent judgments expressed by him in both international forums, be reconciled with his position and his very role as foreign minister. Which he also claimed in the organization of the G7, although not having to participate.

Excluding any "embarrassment" also for the reserve explicitly expressed by the Prime Minister to "examine" the application and anything else of the commercial agreement with China signed in 2019 by Di Maio himself as Minister of Economic Development in the first Conte government, the Foreign Minister, without even realizing the paradoxical situation in which he was putting himself, said, specified, assured and so on that he was perfectly in agreement with the former Prime Minister and new head of the 5 Star Movement. But what Conte thinks exactly of the things said by Draghi during and after the two international summits is not known exactly so far. We only know that, while continuing to be part of the majority, and determined to "loyally support" the new government, he has publicly spoken out against most of the decisions it has adopted, which are obviously too much conditioned by the center-right components.

In short, the mess is all there, and it remains. Indeed, it increases every time someone tries to clarify it or just reduce it.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/perche-il-grillo-filo-cinese-imbarazza-di-maio-post-cinese/ on Wed, 16 Jun 2021 05:41:14 +0000.