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Why Di Maio is delighted by Grillo’s slap at Conte

Why Di Maio is delighted by Grillo's slap at Conte

What happens between Grillo, Conte and Di Maio. The Scratches of Damato

While waiting for some other innocent sea bass to be eaten together on the beach of Marina di Bibbona even out of season, with all those winds that spread the sand and sweep away even the photographers called to resume yet another reconciliation, Beppe Grillo has " silenced " Giuseppe Count in the headlines of some newspapers. And he stopped him with a post on the road to the reaction to the order of the court of Naples which suspended him from the presidency of the 5 Star Movement, like the deputies and other graduates appointed after the summer election even if challenged with stamped papers.

More than silenced, given the obligation of the mask still lasting even outdoors for the defense from Covid , I would say that Grillo has gagged even more Conte by adding his, as supreme or elevated guarantor of the "community", as the Count himself calls the pentastellate formation, to the suspension ordered by the magistrate of a controversial territorial jurisdiction, according to the pseudo-legal study of the Fatto Quotidiano . Which at odd hours of the day is also a pseudo-judicial investigation studio. Where now even the count of the "Conticides" are losing – sorry for the pun on the words – which took place in less than a year.

The first Conticide dates back to that evening in which Sergio Mattarella – impatient at the Quirinale by the useless attempts of the then Prime Minister before not resigning and then seeking a majority no longer conditioned by the mood of Matteo Renzi but not even stained by Matteo Salvini or by Silvio Berlusconi, or both – blurted out, calling Mario Draghi on the phone and sending him to Palazzo Chigi as a half commissioner. That the Chambers, displaced but also relieved of the narrow escape from early elections, promoted with great confidence to full commissioner.

The second Conticide, this time reported only in Marco Travaglio's newspaper, without another more or less yellow book to be printed in a hurry, would have occurred with the betrayal of such a heterogeneous company as that of Enrico Letta, Matteo Salvini, Giorgia Meloni and Luigi Di Maio, the latter twice unfaithful, in managing the candidacy of ambassador Elisabetta Belloni, queen of the 007, to the Presidency of the Republic. Since then Travaglio, as he personally wrote in today's editorial of his Fatto Quotidiano , feels like a prisoner of a "wax museum", with the over eighty-year-olds Sergio Mattarella and Giuliano Amato respectively at the Quirinale and the presidency of the Constitutional Court, and the little Draghi is less elderly in Palazzo Chigi: all, moreover, damned males in a Republic which, as it is called, should instead be female.

The third Conticide would be the one just consumed by the no longer amusing and brilliant Beppe Grillo stopping with a shooting range, proposed with a photomontage in the newspaper so familiar to the pentastellato people, the improvised plan by the suspended president of the MoVimento to make the best of a bad face game. Indeed, to transform the bad game of the court of Naples into a business by getting re-elected quickly, with a wider audience of members, also to demonstrate his strength to that undisciplined, ungrateful and I don't know what else of Luigi Di Maio, who left in fourth against him after the confirmation of Mattarella at the Quirinale. Now, on the other hand, seeing Grillo fully back in command due to Conte's injury also as a lawyer, the young and rebellious Foreign Minister would have no reason to sing victory, but at least to greet his friends with newfound joy.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/perche-di-maio-gongola-per-la-sberla-di-grillo-a-conte/ on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 06:47:19 +0000.