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Why Hungary and Poland block the European budget

Why Hungary and Poland block the European budget

Poland and Hungary vetoed the agreement reached on the 2021-2027 EU budget in the Council. Facts, numbers, reactions of the States and the comment of the analyst Liturri

Continuing tensions in Europe, here are all the details.


The ambassadors of Poland and Hungary have vetoed the Council also blocking the agreement reached on the EU budget 2021-2027 of 1,080 billion to which is added the Next Generation Eu of 750 billion.


The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and the Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki have in fact ordered their ambassadors to the EU, engaged in a decisive meeting to continue the negotiations, to block the whole package under discussion, thus announcing the formal veto to be expressed in the Council .


The analyst Giuseppe Liturri commented this morning in the newspaper La Verità : "Now the question becomes terribly complex because all these rules travel together in a single train with four wagons: there is the rule of law that can travel towards the decision of the Council by qualified majority, despite the opposing vote of Poland and Hungary; there is the multiannual budget on which there was an agreement in principle in the trilogue and which must now be translated into legislative acts to be adopted by the Council unanimously, on which however there is the announcement of the veto; the special procedure for own resources also requires unanimity, with the European Parliament only giving a non-binding opinion; finally, there is the regulation on the EU Next Generation with its load of 750 billion, which is a wagon in tow of the precedents, to be approved by a qualified majority ”.


According to what the spokesman for the German presidency, Sebastian Fischer, writes on Twitter, "the two member states have expressed their opposition to an element of the package, (conditionality on the rule of law, ed ) but not on the substance of the agreement on the Budget ".


“The rule of law is not about any particular country, nor is it about the east or the west. It is neutral and applies to everyone. If the rule of law is respected, there is nothing to fear. Denying all of Europe funding for the crisis in the worst crisis in decades is irresponsible ", wrote on Twitter the president of the EPP group in the European Parliament, Manfred Weber, who criticized the veto of the Polish and Hungarian governments against the EU budget. at today's meeting of EU ambassadors.

“If Viktor Orban and Jarosław Kaczynski want to stop using these funds for everyone, then they will have to explain it to the millions of workers and entrepreneurs, to mayors and students, to researchers and farmers who count on their support. funds, ”Weber pointed out.


“The power of veto is obsolete for the EU and harmful for those who exercise it. Either a united Europe acts as a superpower of rights and values, or individual states will lose in global competition. We support German mediation, you can't waste time on NextGenerationEu and QFP ", wrote the Minister for European Affairs Enzo Amendola (Pd) in a tweet.


Hungarian government spokesman Zoltan Kovacs who wrote on Twitter: “We cannot support the plan in its current form, which links the rule of law criteria to the budget decision. It goes against the conclusions of the European Council in July “. He then added: “Will the Hungarian veto lead to a crisis? The responsibility for this situation lies with those who caused it despite knowing well the line expressed in the mandate that the Hungarian Parliament had given to Prime Minister Orban ”.


The analyst Giuseppe Liturri commented in the newspaper La Verità : “Yesterday's incident was announced for weeks. When it was time to discuss the MFF and the decision on Own Resources, to be adopted unanimously and then subjected to ratification by the national parliaments, Poland and Hungary expressed fundamental reservations which prevented them from continuing. That regulation, improperly passed off as protection for the rule of law, is a real good-for-all blackmail weapon, as some authoritative jurists we have consulted on the subject told us. There is no connection between the defense of financial interests by the EU and the protection of the rule of law: you can have a perfect system of separation of powers or the more independent and impartial system of control-judicial assessment of the acts of the supervisory authority. government and yet register cases of fraud, or irregular use of EU funds. The protection of the principles of the rule of law is the maximum expression of sovereignty within a state and certainly a supranational subject must not come to stand as judge of other states, striking them as peoples, with what, in international law, is called a name only: retaliation, that is, suspend or deny budget funds. As if that were not enough, the European legal system already contains a procedure for those who do not respect the founding values ​​of the EU, engraved in article 2 of the TEU, and it is the procedure established by the following article 7, with which the Council, by qualified majority , it may even go so far as to suspend the right to vote of the offending country ".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/perche-ungheria-e-polonia-bloccano-il-bilancio-europeo/ on Tue, 17 Nov 2020 14:27:02 +0000.