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Why mechanical ventilation systems are needed in schools (not just opening windows)

Why mechanical ventilation systems are needed in schools (not just opening windows)

Proposals and suggestions in view of the reopening of schools by Aicarr, Aias and the National Council of Engineers

In view of the reopening of schools , mechanical ventilation as an extremely useful measure to prevent the risks associated with infection from SARS-CoV-2 risks being the real Cinderella among the technical factors that can concretely contribute to a safe restart.

This is what Aicarr (Italian Association of Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration), Aias (Italian Association of Environment and Safety) and the National Council of Engineers underline.

“The supply of external air through mechanical ventilation improves the quality of the internal environment, with positive repercussions on the hygienic conditions and health of students and school staff”, put the two associations and the National Council of Engineers in writing.


The safety protocols that use the exchange of air through forced ventilation are absolutely more effective than those that only use the exchange of air by "opening the windows" – reads the note – "but we are also aware that we cannot achieve a goal of this kind in a few weeks: investments, time and above all good information are needed ”.


For this reason, Aicarr, Aias and the National Council of Engineers make themselves available to support, each according to their own skills, institutions, health and technical-scientific bodies appointed to produce guidelines and regulatory suggestions for the resolution of this important issue, which must enter into be a permanent part of the life of our school buildings, beyond the health emergency of this period.


“We have already underlined several times – observes Filippo Busato, President of Aicarr – that schools are the only environments with high and prolonged crowding which, at least in most cases, are devoid of ventilation systems. Opening windows, which we often hear about in relation to reducing the risk of the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in schools, is an emergency solution that risks not being able to guarantee the health and comfort of the environment. , let alone to combine them with energy efficiency. Aicarr therefore believes that mechanical ventilation systems in school buildings are to be considered essential, as well as fire safety or anti-seismic. In short, these are interventions that are not only possible, but also obligatory ", said the president of Aicarr (Italian Association for Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration born in 1960 which has among its functions that of creating a conscious use of energy and natural resources and for the innovation of energy infrastructures).


“Staff training and information on safety, health and sustainability issues have been at the heart of our Associations for decades through professionals who work both nationally and internationally. Also on this occasion we are available to support the teaching staff and the technical staff and operators of the school throughout the Italian territory. We will contact all the administrations of Italy to make us available for free meetings to respond to doubts on the issue of well-being and health of students in schools ", declared Francesco Santi, president of Aias (Italian Association for the Environment and Safety which has been bringing together operators since 1975 , professionals and employees, public and private who deal with these matters professionally).


"I regret having to note – says Armando Zambrano, President of the Cni – that among the various interventions to improve the general state of the school buildings implemented in this period, the inclusion of mechanical ventilation systems, which could contribute significantly to the improvement of the hygienic conditions of the premises and the well-being of the occupants, with certain effects also on the reduction of the risk of contagion from Covid-19. Unfortunately, our country is still characterized by a poor culture of the usefulness of plants and their effectiveness even in emergency conditions ".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/innovazione/impianti-di-ventilazione-meccanica-nelle-scuole/ on Thu, 10 Sep 2020 05:10:14 +0000.