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Why Musk fascinated Atreju

Why Musk fascinated Atreju

From the stage of Atreju, Elon Musk launches the red alert to the old West and to Italy on zero population growth. Guiglia's notebook

It is not known whether at Atreju, the Fratelli d'Italia party , they were waiting for him to talk about space, the social network X (formerly Twitter), the automotive industry or another of the sectors in which Elon Musk is a protagonist.

But the South African-Canadian-American entrepreneur who, with assets of over 256 billion dollars, should be, according to Forbes magazine, the richest man in the world, surprised everyone by appearing on stage with one of his children on his shoulders.


A lost child, who also clung to his father's leg in that commotion of shouts and photographers. Captivating scene, yet the message that Musk wanted to give with his well-calibrated off-show is political: only children will save the world. He himself is the father of 11 children by two wives and two partners (and 6 of them with assisted procreation).

With that gesture and the unequivocal words that followed, the entrepreneur launched the red alert from Rome to the old West and to the Italy of zero growth. “Have children,” Musk urged, “otherwise the culture of Italy, Japan and France will disappear.”

It is not the first time that the globetrotting entrepreneur thunders against the "risk of extinction" which, in the long run, looms over our country, which has been grappling with an average of 1.2 children per couple for too long. However, 2 on average would be needed to ensure generational turnover.


The demographic crisis, which is now inherent to the most industrialized nations, can also lead to a serious democratic crisis.

If the balance between parents and children that has formed the backbone of society for centuries is broken, it will be very complicated for the State, in the not too distant future, to maintain social security and assistance, education and security and all of this which makes the relationship between citizens vital and fruitful.

The love of Italy, therefore, is expressed with a demographic policy capable of impacting work, taxes and gender equality with specific and extraordinary measures. But also with a vision capable of governing legal and well-controlled immigration in agreement with the world of work and business. And then the recognition of Italian citizenship for a million children born or raised in the Peninsula by foreign parents.

The demographic mosaic has many pieces, but only one national interest: reacting with determination to the hopeless birth rate decline.

(Published in L'Arena di Verona, Bresciaoggi and Gazzetta di Mantova(

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/elon-musk-atreju-demografia/ on Mon, 18 Dec 2023 06:47:17 +0000.