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Why the center-right newspapers beat Macron

Why the center-right newspapers beat Macron

Facts and reactions on the controversies between Italy and France. The Scratches of Damato

Precisely in the days when it could celebrate, together with the Ukrainians so much helped, the withdrawal of the Russians from Kherson, Europe is hit by the crisis that has erupted in relations between France and Italy on the problem of migrants. A crisis followed in Italy with particular disappointment by the former Prime Minister Mario Draghi , to whom Il Messaggero attributes this comment: thus they destroy the axis with his friend Macron.

In fact, Draghi and Macron have formed a close-knit political couple in recent months, not surprisingly signatories of a pact between Italy and France at the Quirinale. Which had developed to the point of really cracking the traditional, long preferential axis between Paris and Berlin in the European Union.

Suddenly, Draghi left Palazzo Chigi and Giorgia Meloni took over, albeit with ostentatious cordiality, a Norwegian-flagged rescue ship with 234 migrants, the Ocean Viking, was enough to put Italian-French relations in crisis with the exchange of heavy accusations. From Paris they defined Rome's refusal to land in an Italian port, lengthening its route, the ship that yesterday was able to dock in Toulon as “inhumane”. They also ordered in retaliation, again in Paris, a strengthening of the controls on the land borders already closely monitored between Italy and France, they revoked the promised reception of 3500 migrants collected in recent months by Italy and invited the governments of the other countries of the Union to imitate them. From Rome, the Prime Minister personally replied, defining the French reaction to the incident, misunderstanding and anything else that occurred between her and Macron in the management of the Ocean Viking affair "disproportionate" and "aggressive".

The incident consisted, in particular, in representing as an Italian success the willingness wrested by Meloni in person from Macron to have the voluntary rescue ship for castaways in the Mediterranean land in France, putting him in difficulty in relations with internal opposition and with the other countries of the Union.

“Melons victim of demonstrative anxiety”, is the title of La Stampa in a happy synthesis of the comment by Professor Giovanni Orsina. A demonstrative anxiety also provoked by the competition that Meloni herself and the leader of the Lega Matteo Salvini, vice president of the Council and Minister of Infrastructures, in the fight against illegal immigration, or in the defense of the borders that unfortunately for Italy are more water than land, and therefore exposed to a more complicated and risky management. On which, however, the so-called smugglers, that is, the traffickers of human flesh, speculate with revolting cynicism. Who, well paid, make their victims leave from the African coasts on totally inadequate means, relying precisely on the help of volunteer ships.

Not without reason, in this respect, Giorgia Meloni has accused Macron, with her kind of reaction, of tending towards "isolation" more of Italy than of smugglers. And if this was the reply of the Prime Minister, even more harsh was that of the newspapers that share the line. "Hypocrisy at the Elysée" was the headline of Silvio Berlusconi's Family Journal. “These French are crazy”, shouted Libero.

More sophisticated, so to speak, was a similar title to Maurizio Belpietro's Truth with that Macron who "plays the madman", more than really being so. Whether, how and when it will be possible to resolve this crisis with the cousins ​​from across the Alps is not known. The Minister of Justice Carlo Nordio joined Mattarella and Draghi, reasonably imagined in a backstage action. Who announced a meeting with the French counterpart to the Messenger. "Quarrels, real or fabricated, happen more often precisely between kindreds," he said. And he added, translating from a Latin motto: “the anger of lovers is the integration of love”.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/perche-i-giornali-di-centrodestra-picchiano-macron/ on Sat, 12 Nov 2022 07:47:04 +0000.