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Will Bonaccini’s Pd show the stars to Conte’s M5s?

Will Bonaccini's Pd show the stars to Conte's M5s?

Facts and scenarios after Stefano Bonaccini's candidacy as secretary of the Democratic Party. Damato's Scratches

From the parts of Giuseppe Conte, whose leadership is now defined by the Sheet as "dangerous but successful", the candidacy for the secretariat of the Democratic Party just announced, or confirmed, by the president of the Emilia Romagna region Stefano Bonaccini is not welcome. Which launched her in the circle of the party to which she is a member, in the Modena area, and then in the television broadcast of Lucia Annunziata, on Rai3.


“Bonaccini is another Letta: he does not choose between Conte and Calenda”, protested Il Fatto Quotidiano , notoriously adoring the former prime minister, at the opening of the front page. Who aspires to lead the left from the top of the five Grilline stars, even though these are now flying far below the quota for the 2018 general elections, having halved the votes in the polls on 25 September and reduced parliamentary representation even more. On the other hand, the Chambers have shrunk with the constitutional reform imposed in the last legislature by Conte on the allies in charge of the government: first Matteo Salvini's Northern League and then the Democratic Party of the then Nicola Zingaretti.


Internally, the lack of choice between Conte and Calenda reproached on the front page was not enough, the parastellar newspaper practically dismissed Bonaccini as a "scrapper" of the Renzian school, supported not by chance in his run for the secretariat by the post-Renzians who remained in the Democratic Party and led by former Defense Minister Lorenzo Guerini. Of Renzi himself, on the other hand, Bonaccini was the main collaborator and supporter, as coordinator, in the 2013 winning climb to the Nazareno, the party headquarters, and to the nearby Palazzo Chigi.


Conte evidently does not want scrappers in the Democratic Party that he plans to empty or then put on a leash, like a not so purebred dog, given the "unsuccessful" crossing, according to Massimo D'Alema, between the remains of what had been the PCI and what had been the Christian Democrat left. Conte has set – coherently and prudently, from his point of view – a "change of management group" as a condition for resuming relations interrupted with the fall of Mario Draghi's government. And this within – it must be presumed – the nomenklatura by now consolidated in the Nazarene by alternating or superimposing, as the case may be, the traditional agreements between the currents. Of which instead Bonaccini, who has never actively participated in any of them, not even in that of Renzi who took good care not to follow in the split of 2019, has full, indeed very full, boxes. He has just branded the leaders – all, without distinction – as fearful, to say the least, having preferred to participate also in the September elections in the highly armored "lists" blocked, not in the single-member constituencies where there was a greater risk of being rejected.


To a Bonaccini so determined to sweep his house and not to have the party liquidated by external competitors, moreover honestly offering to friends and comrades the prospect of a "crossing in the desert", to the opposition after so much government indigestion inside or leadership of various majorities; to a Bonaccini, I said, so decided it would basically be natural for Conte to have an interlocution with a secretary of the Democratic Party chosen from the bunch of leaders such as Dario Franceschini or Andrea Orlando. From whom the president of the Emilia Romagna region realistically does not expect much, or any help, relying more – he said – on the mayors and club secretaries or, more generally, on peripheral managers, in greater contact of the top with the grassroots and voters.


A crossing in the desert is of course no cakewalk, unless the desert is fake. However, without wanting to emphasize anything, if yesterday Bonaccini could count on a poll by Alessandra Ghisleri which attributed to him 25 percent of the voting intentions, that is one in four, today Ilvo Diamanti in Repubblica already attributes him one in three.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/pd-bonaccini-m5s-conte-stelle/ on Mon, 21 Nov 2022 05:57:55 +0000.