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Will Lufthansa get Alitalia? Facts, assumptions and (opposite) scenarios

Will Lufthansa get Alitalia? Facts, assumptions and (opposite) scenarios

Alitalia could end up in the hands of Lufthansa, but there are those who hope that the Italian carrier will be shopping abroad (with the help of the state)

Clouds and uncertain weather in Alitalia's future. With the arrival of the Draghi government, the scenarios for the airline's future could change. And the German Lufthansa could enter the game, which would enter the capital of the Italian carrier.

Some, however, are hoping for an intervention by the state so that Alitalia will acquire more. And there are those who hope, instead, that Leonardo comes into play. Here are the different scenarios.


A first project, the one that according to Il Sole 24 Ore , is being examined by the technicians of the ministries concerned, and which follows what is written in an amendment to Stefano Fassina's Milleproroghe decree, includes three phases. The last would see the German Lufthansa enter the game to enter the capital of Cityliner or a company created ad hoc.

Unknown methods, times and possible quotas. Of course, writes the Confindustria newspaper, the German carrier will proceed with a capital increase.


Before Lufthansa enters the game, however, the Alitalia commissioner Giuseppe Leogrande could confer all the assets of the old Alitalia to another company, and then to the Ministry of Economy. And according to what the Sun writes, "a sale of all these assets to Cityliner, the low-cost rib of the company, is assumed."

Alitalia would sell everything, including part of the aircraft, about 5,500 workers and all flight, maintenance and handling activities.


Cityliner, with the whole package, would then be sold to the Mef, which for the future of Alitalia, since 2017, has put up to 1.3 billion euros on the plate. The Mef, now led by Daniele Franco, could ask Cityliner or another company created on purpose (even Ita itself) to start the activities, since the license is already operational.

Only after that could Lufthansa take the match.


There is no lack of doubts and perplexities in this plan. What future would the company's other 5,000 employees await? And what will the Italian-German company be like?


This scenario would mean that “the 3 billion euro allocated by the previous executive to create the new state Alitalia will no longer be needed. Or, at least, only partially ”, writes the Sun.


Those 3 billion, on the other hand, should be spent differently for Ugo Arrigo, an economist expert in transport, who foresees a scenario opposite to that which is being studied by the ministry technicians.

The three billion already allocated could be used not to try to get a microscopic company off the ground but to acquire a significant stake in a large European carrier in order to integrate what remains of Alitalia into it and entrust it as shareholders with the relaunch and dimensional growth of the national vector, what we should have done over time but which we have not even tried after the mid-90s ”, wrote Arrigo .


But can Lufthansa really buy Alitalia? Here is the significant tweet of Andrea Giuricin, economist.


Even the American fund AmonRa capital, founded by Flavio Robert Paltrinieri and active in the acquisition of European companies and not only in bankruptcy, in real estate, energy, logistics, airports, has plans for Alitalia. The fund has put in place a recovery plan for the Italian airline called "Make Italia Safe", which according to what Affaritaliani.it has heard from Paltrinieri , foresees that the new hypothetical Alitalia can aim at long-range flights and at the Point to Point (short and short-haul routes), “which enhances the only continent left free and profitable, Africa and which involves two external technical partners, guaranteeing the maintenance of employment and providing for the hiring of an additional 5,000 units”.

Leonardo would also have a leading role in the new Alitalia, which should also focus on a new mobility of aero-taxi drones, according to the (smoky) plans of Paltrinieri.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/smartcity/lufthansa-si-cucchera-alitalia-fatti-ipotesi-e-scenari-opposti/ on Fri, 19 Feb 2021 15:24:45 +0000.