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The study states: “Turbulence drops by 10% if MOIGE stops breaking the cock”

Porcaputte (NA) – According to a recent study by PIFFERO (Italian Journal of Expressive Folklore Phenomena of the Nineteenth Century, Ed.), The daily reporting activity carried out by MOIGE to protect the rights of children should – quite unexpected – generated a growth in vulgar and ugly language expressions.

In particular, with each MOIGE report, the researchers recorded a spike in scurrilous expressions in the television and advertising environments and, above all, in the office in charge of receiving and examining MOIGE complaints .

To clarify the reasons for this strange phenomenon, the research team interviewed an official of the Committee on Media and Minors (set up in a Ministry who asked to remain anonymous), who issued the following statement:

ENOUGH !!! I no longer want to hear about those who ******** or ********** the MOIGE, ecchec *** manna **** but pigs **** a but want to stop break the ******* iac *** or of time if you could pija ac ***** or of **** * ** * * ** *** **** ** * * * ** ************** ** ** ** ** to you and whoever ******** to “ .

However, there would also be a side effect of the MOIGE reports: “Over the last twenty years – says the study – manic control of profane, banal and vulgar expressions in the entertainment industry has triggered a repression of the unconscious collective of the minor population, deprived of a classic cathartic relief valve, however sought in adulthood with a hetero-induced delay of postpubertal psychological maturation. Yes, in a nutshell, people who are already thirty years old for a while like to hear words like crap. Practically without MOIGE we would not have Pio and Amedeo and surely no one would exchange expressions like fr ** o and ne * ro for an innovative language .

We asked a MOIGE national executive for a statement on this research and, in particular, on the possible correlation of the association’s activities with the success of Pius and Amedeo:

ENOUGH !!! I no longer want to hear about those who ******** or ********** i of PIO and AMEDEO, ecchec *** manna **** ma porcami *** * a ma do you want to stop breaking the *** sometimes you can break the *** *** or *** * ** * * ** *** ** **** ** *** * **** ********* ** ** ** ** to you and whoever ******** to “ .

Francesco Conte

The article in the study states: "Turpilochju down 10% if MOIGE stops breaking the cock" comes from Lerciu .

This is an automatic translation from the Italian language of a post published in Lercio at the URL https://www.lercio.it/studio-rivela-turpiloquio-giu-del-10-se-il-moige-la-smettesse -di-rompere-il-cazzo / u Thu, 16 Sep 2021 09:27:37 +0000.

The article The study reveals: “Turpilocju in drop of 10% if MOIGE stops breaking the cock” comes from Ultimi Notizie .

This is a machine translation from Corsican language of a post published on Ultimi Nutizie at the URL https://ultiminutizie.vogon.today/u-studiu-palesa-turpilochju-in-calata-di-10-se-u-moige-cessa-di-rompe-u-cazzu/ on Fri, 17 Sep 2021 11:15:00 +0000.