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Fauci has financed the scientists who denied the artificial origin of Covid-19 for him with 50 million

Four prominent scientists who have played key roles in influencing Dr. Fauci-led narrative about the natural origin of COVID-19 have received substantial increases in grants from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), led by Fauci himself. over the next two years, it detected a revision of The Epoch Times funding data.

Scientists were also instrumental in publishing Proximal Origin, a highly influential paper that promoted a theory of natural origins for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, and has been frequently cited by the government and the media.

Emails released under the Freedom of Information Act requests showed that these same scientists told Fauci over a conference call that they were 60 to 80% sure COVID-19 was out of a lab, so they lied knowing that they were. lie, and it seems they were also rewarded.

Notably, despite their private concerns about the origin of the virus, the first draft of Proximal Origin was completed on the same day as the conference call. Andersen and Garry were co-authors of Proximal Origin, and Farzan was recognized in the Nature version of Proximal Origin for his participatory discussions in creating the article.

Additionally, Fauci's NIAID provided a substantial increase in funding to EcoHealth's Peter Daszak, through which NIAID funded controversial gain-of-function coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. So Daszak is the one who most clearly knows what really happened in Wuhan, but continues to deny.

Some of these funding amounts continued until 2021, and one of the most recent grants will continue until at least 2025.

A significant portion of the increased funding for Daszak, as well as for Andersen and Garry, was provided through NIAID's creation of the Centers for Research in Emerging Infectious Diseases (CREID). The program, originally named Emerging Infectious Diseases Research Centers (EIDRC) during the early planning stages in 2019, was formally announced with a new name on August 27, 2020. It is unknown why the program was initially delayed or why it is been renamed.

The new initiative, described as a global network involving "multidisciplinary investigations into how and where viruses and other pathogens emerge from wildlife and pour to cause disease in people," provided eleven new grants totaling $ 17 million. new funding in the first year and $ 82 million in total funding over five years.

Andersen and Garry were co-recipients of a new five-year grant of $ 8.9 million awarded under the CREID initiative that established the West African Research Network for Infectious Diseases (WARN-ID). Daszak received a new $ 7.5 million, 5-year CREID grant that established the Emerging Infectious Diseases: South East Asia Research Collaboration Hub (EID-SEARCH). The other participants in the NIAID CREID program can be found here.

Notably, although the creation of CREID was not publicly announced until August 27, 2020, the date of the award notice for the Andersen and Garry grants is indicated as May 21, 2020. The CREID grant in Daszak lists a notice date award on June 17, 2020. The timing of the Daszak grant is particularly noteworthy as it came shortly after President Donald Trump revoked Daszak's previous grant from Fauci's NIAID in April 2020 due to the involvements of Daszak with the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Andersen, who privately told Fauci on January 31, 2020, that the virus "looked engineered," but later helped guide Fauci's efforts to promote a version of Fauci on natural origins, received a total funding of 7 , $ 4 million in 2020 compared to $ 4.5 million in grant proceeds in 2019.

These new revelations raise an obvious question: How is it possible that among the thousands of scientists eligible to participate in the much-desired funding of the eleven grants provided by Fauci's new $ 82 million CREID initiative, three of those chosen were the same individuals who had pioneered the promotion of Fauci's natural origins narrative, despite their private concerns that the virus was created in the laboratory.

So the circle on Fauci closes: on the one hand, all these scientists suspected the artificial origin of Covid-19, but prepared an article that said the exact opposite. Not only that: they raged on the verge of bullying against scientists who claimed otherwise. In the end it is a real conspiracy to hide the true origins of covid-19. Of course Fauci is still running the anti-covid campaign of the US government, the highest paid US public official.

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The Fauci article financed the scientists with 50 million who denied the artificial origin of Covid-19 for him comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/fauci-ha-finanziato-con-50-milioni-gli-scienziati-che-hanno-negato-per-lui-lorigine-artificiale-del-covid-19/ on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 14:00:08 +0000.