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A European League, not a pro-European one: this is what lies behind the decision to support Draghi

Matteo Salvini's words at the end of the first interlocutory meeting with the appointed president Mario Draghi were clear: “Draghi's idea of ​​Italy, in many respects, coincides with ours”. With these words, the leader of the League opened to possible support, even to a possible participation in the Draghi government. These statements were unimaginable until recently, just think that the League was in the eyes of public opinion, and not only, the most critical force with the European system of the entire Italian political landscape.

But what does it mean to be pro -European or anti-European ? For the League, being pro-European certainly does not mean accepting all the decisions taken by the bureaucrats in Brussels or Frankfurt, but increasing the national sovereignty of the various member states, in the specific case: “More Italy in Europe”. From this point of view, it is undeniable that there has always been a coherence in the Northern League's thinking: the desire to stay in Europe but also to favor a change for the better of the EU system. Mario Draghi is the emblem of that Europe, he has always been linked to the world of banks and was in some ways himself one of those bureaucrats seen with distrust by the Lega world.

But what exactly is behind the choice of the League? Surely the awareness of being faced with a dramatic situation, the most difficult since the second post-war period, and the desire to participate in the rebirth and post-pandemic reconstruction, to have a direct impact on the management of the famous 209 billion of the Recovery Plan . Salvini's openness to Draghi has displaced all the insiders a bit and has created quite a few discontent in the progressive world. The Democratic Party and Leu are preparing to form a government with the enemy of all time, creating not a little embarrassment in their respective bases and in their respective voters.

Salvini's, strongly recommended by Giancarlo Giorgetti, the number two Northern League and the most pro-European among them (among other things, a great friend of Draghi), was a real strategic move that at the moment seems to be winning, because not only the League it is showing Italians a great responsibility in the face of the dramatic situation in which the country finds itself, but it is also dividing the left. The clear intent of the League is that the role of the center-right that has declared itself willing to support Draghi (Forza Italia and Lega) is preponderant within the balance of a very varied majority such as the one that is about to be born.

In the eyes of the press, in that scarce half hour of declarations at Montecitorio, the leader of the League showed himself in a never worn role: a mild politician who does not place vetoes, ready to dialogue with anyone, even willing to sit at a table with those who sent him to trial several times and who were willing to overshadow his warhorses, security and immigration. Salvini said he was also ready for a possible role within the nascent Executive, but unlike others he did not veto, resulting in the most responsible leader in this dramatic moment.

Whether or not the "moderate turning point" was a winning move will only be discovered with the evolution of the situation, it is certain that Salvini and the League have opened up new horizons that can strengthen them as a mature, responsible and well-regarded government force in Europe. . Who knows Salvini is not warming up his engines for the nineteenth term …

The post A European League, not a pro-European one: this is what lies behind the decision to support Draghi appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/una-lega-europea-non-europeista-ecco-cosa-ce-dietro-la-scelta-di-appoggiare-draghi/ on Tue, 09 Feb 2021 04:53:00 +0000.