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A “presentable” right is not what the left would like to make to measure

Liberal, moderate, pro-European: these are the requirements for the right to be certified as “presentable”. From who? From the left, which more than presentable, in reality, would like it to be a loser. Some food for thought for an alternative to homologation

The request made is very specific: we need a “presentable” right. And to raise the question on a timely basis is mostly the counterpart, the left, which immediately makes one doubt that more than a request it is a prayer: if the right abandons its warhorses, then it will be easier to deal with it.

In Parliament these are the days of negotiations between the government and the opposition, with the brazen courtship of Forza Italia and Silvio Berlusconi, among very high moments of divertissement such as those given by Renato Brunetta, entranced by the depth of Luigi Di Maio. Because, you know, the negotiations require the two counterparts to talk to each other. So is this the right idea presentable? The one that in a few days transforms someone who in a well-known television company "would clean the toilets " into a true leader?

Liberal, moderate and pro-European: these are apparently the three requisites necessary for the right to be certified as “presentable”. They are politically abused adjectives and therefore emptied of their meaning, therefore good for any occasion. The involuntary assist provided by those who expect opponents to adapt to their expectations thus opens up the space to reflect on which alternative to offer, as is required of any democratic system.

Liberal . If the left is, even the grillino movement is, on balance none is. Liberalism in Italy is suffocated under years of interventionism and paternalism that are giving their best in an extremely delicate phase such as the current health emergency. The liberal right is material for study and analysis in history books: it is a chimera, supported by a small minority that cultivates the habit of dispensing licenses and certifications, a modus operandi decidedly little in line with the idea that it wants to spread.

How can the Italian right move in a similar context? Supporting individual initiative, at the same time realizing that one belongs to a community that is the result of the gestures of those who make it up and therefore promoting a sense of responsibility; limiting the state sphere, focusing on the full functioning of those services that belong to it (security, bureaucratic efficiency, legal certainty); turn attention to those in need, so that everyone is granted the right to fulfill themselves without lazing around in the large mesh of the welfare state .

Moderate . What is meant by "moderation"? In terms rather than ways? Entrusting one's political strategy to slogans alone leads nowhere: the themes on the table change rapidly, age in the blink of an eye. You need to know how to turn them into facts before they expire, acting aggressively if you are ready to really bet on them, not just in the election campaign. And this can be done in full compliance with democratic rules and political debate: moderation is one thing, paludism another. And Italy has been wallowing in the swamp for some time.

Language helps to define the path one intends to take: it goes without saying that it must be clear and simple so that it can be understood by most. If he sometimes ends up offending someone, take into account that being offended is not the same as being right.

Europeanist . It is a headache to understand the universe of the European Union, let alone define the contours of Europeanism. The feeling is that the Italian right already is: the EU is an excellent source to drink from to draw energy to be spent in battles such as immigration, the Mes and monetary funds. If this Europe did not exist, many would really have to find a place.

The right suffers from the same pathology as the rest of Italian politics: it is Roman-centric , convinced that that is the only navel to look at. The world travels fast and even our right-wing people, more often than not, simply queue. With the pandemic behind us, it will be necessary to recover from the violent blows taken to restore breath to the economic system, but it will not be enough to preach to "buy Italian": take care of national interests by exporting them, especially where we are well known and appreciated due to cultural and diplomatic ties, reaching agreements that do not compromise our decision-making spheres.

Other than pro-European, the Italian right tries to be more. Be of a majority spirit, do not get lost in the labyrinth of the proportional.

The post A “presentable” right is not what the left would like to tailor appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/una-destra-presentabile-non-e-quella-che-la-sinistra-vorrebbe-cucirsi-su-misura/ on Wed, 02 Dec 2020 04:59:00 +0000.