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Daily Atlantic

But is there to save the country, or to save a system of power and a circus of unpresentables?

But is there to save the country or to test it? And test it in all senses, to say verify its mental strength and patience in the face of the most paradoxical and incongruous situations. No promises kept, an endless succession of failures, setbacks, fools. And still the country is adapting, still waiting for who knows what miracle, still hoping, even if no one would know what to say anymore.

Is there to save the country or the Democratic Party, this minority party, which few like, where feuds reign, but which does not intend to step aside after abundant ten years of government and abusive misrule, not consecrated by popular vote?
Is there to save the country or the mortgage of the runaways to repair in the two chambers, starting with these incredible grillini, indecent, broken at every betrayal, consistent only in the most shameless and shameless utilitarianism?
We need to save the country or Renzi's balloon-like ego, his plots as a little chemist, his extreme ambitions, from the NATO secretariat to the secret services, from the politically pathological need to be at the center of attention to the other, no less insane, to prove that he is the wild card , always and in any case and can sink anyone who goes on the bales?

Is there to save the country or the career of superflop supermanager Arcuri, one who under any sky would have been removed without wasting a minute and instead want to give him a ministry after the collapse of the managerial management of the pandemic emergency?
Is there to save the country or Maria Elena Boschi, for whom a ministry must be foreseen, in a fatal, inevitable, indisputable way, with the force of destiny, who knows why?
Is there to save the country or guarantee the future for unlikely figurines of a grotesque nativity scene, the Bellanova like the Azzolina, the Di Maio like the Di Battista, another who may be a guerrilla until they offer him a ministry?
Is there to save the country or some servile newspaper, in free fall and with the specter of collapse if the organic regime, rather than a friend, were to evaporate?

There is to save the country or guarantee the doubling of Mattarella, whose decisions it is increasingly difficult to understand or an absence of decisions that slips dangerously towards complicity for the most disastrous government in western democratic history, which nevertheless expects to continue in spite of the saints?
Is there to save the country or prevent it from going to power "to the right", as the democratic post-communist secretary Zingaretti repeats, with the plural that reinforces racial contempt?
We need to save the country or the plethora of organic intellectuals, service commentators, clowns and parasites who gravitate to the left of public subsidies, cultural subdivision, Gramscian control over publishing and schools, bureaucracy and propaganistic Rai , in short, the system as we have always suffered?

There is a need to save the country or a corroded rather than corrupt judiciary, to the point that even the incredible, belated, hairy confessions of Palamara no longer break anyone up starting from the top, the head of state who does not say or do anything, which pretend nothing has happened?
Is there to save the country or business, often there is to fear opaque, around masks, tampons, vaccines, wheeled benches, anything that moves in the general mess?
There is a need to save the country or to modify it as preached comrades preach, that is to make it more equitable, more supportive, in a word: more socialist, a retrological objective that can only be obtained at the price of the extermination of the middle class, of private initiative. , of the entrepreneurial fabric, which is happening on time?

Is there a need to save the country or a European Union which is clearly inadequate on everything and on every issue, last episode vaccines, the EU receptacle for trumpets, recyclers and nullity, if one is not worth anything a place in Brussels is guaranteed?
There is to save the country or to condemn it until the delusional gang of virologists whose smashers are countless, just as the insane claims are not counted ("hard and total lockdown indefinitely") and you understand that it is of people with serious problems that the media circus has criminally unleashed?

Is there to save the country or hand it over to China, which is already buying it piece by piece, day by day, without anyone finding anything to say?
There is to save the country or prepare its end, for those mysterious, malignant conjunctions that put the wrong hominins in the wrong places at the wrong time, all together, without the possibility of putting a piece into it, without the strength to escape the vortex that sucks?

The post But is there to save the country, or to save a system of power and a circus of unpresentables? appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/ma-ce-da-salvare-il-paese-o-da-salvare-un-sistema-di-potere-e-un-circo-di-impresentabili/ on Wed, 03 Feb 2021 05:02:00 +0000.