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From 1968 to today, from “Forteto” to Antifa, attempts to “sexualise” childhood and “normalize” pedophilia

When it comes to pedophilia, the instinctive reaction of most is a movement of disgust, an absolute condemnation and without appeals to the evil ogre who harms children. I am disgusted that, I confess, I tried myself in seeking information to make this article. I discovered the existence of a whole cultural and political undergrowth that is ambiguous to say the least, which has an all too benevolent eye towards pedophilia.

More often than not, these are organizations gravitating to the left area, with a worrying tendency to "understand", "contextualize", "not judge" and any other verb that can alleviate the moral reprobation towards adults who make or wish to having sex with little boys. The strategy used to "normalize" pedophilia follows two paths that cross in several places: the sexualization of childhood and the involvement of the gay world.

The phenomenon, which has become more evident in recent years, has its roots in a past that does not want to pass: that of the protest of '68 which adopted the slogan "forbidden to prohibit", evidently still dear to those who then played the small revolutionary of extraction. bourgeois, and today tries to present as almost normal vices that have long been unmentionable.

In 1977, in France, following a trial involving adults who had had sexual relations with boys not yet fifteen (who agreed), exponents of the French cultural world, all strictly left, signed the "Manifesto in defense of pedophilia ” , which was published in Libération . Among them, Michel Foucault, André Glucksman, Jack Lang, Bernard Kouchner, Simone de Beauvoir and his partner Jean-Paul Sartre, who evidently saw bourgeois capitalist society as something unnatural and inhuman, but considered respectable for an adult to bring himself to read a minor. [ 1 ]

Daniel Cohn-Bendit is another example. Politician for a long time ascribable to the left-wing area and one of the protagonists of the French '68, he has repeatedly let himself go to rather explicit statements (some also contained in his book "Le Grand Bazar" of 1975) on how exciting it is to be undressed and touch from 5-year-old children, only to repent, condemn them and define them as "footsteps of pure fantasy", mere "provocations". [ 2 ]

In the United Kingdom, the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) was active for ten years starting in 1974. It was a London-based organization aimed at promoting the abolition of the age of consent. Its members included pedophiles later convicted of child pornography offenses. Interestingly, the PIE was for some time affiliated with the NCCL ( National Council for Civil Liberties ), an organization for the defense of civil rights at the time directed by Patricia Hewitt (Labor, later a member of Tony Blair's government) and to which Harriet Harman, future member of parliament for the Labor Party, participated as legal adviser. Also noteworthy is the fact that Gay Left , a collective of British gay Marxists, stood up for the PIE. [ 3 ]

Going back to our days, the song of a choir of gay men in San Francisco, which between one rhyme and another, sing "convert your children" , that is to say openly proclaim the intention to transform and re-educate children according to a gay-friendly perspective. [ 4 ] The authors of the text, Charlie Sohne and Tim Rosser, have previously distinguished themselves as authors of a musical about an Afghan-born pedophilic practice known as bacha bazi . [ 5 ]

Same music, it should be said, on the east coast. In an editorial published June 29 by the Washington Post [ 6 ], Lauren Rowello argued for the need to expose young children to kink , as defined on Wikipedia : "a range of unconventional sexual practices, which often have an affinity with BDSM, used as a medium to strengthen intimacy within a couple relationship ". S and M, for the record, refer to sadomasochistic practices. Rowello, who has an at least "interesting" story (former prostitute, now married to a trans, awarded by an association of LGBTQ journalists), must be given the credit for saying what he thinks and doing what he says.

In fact, the lady said she was happy to expose her children to kink practices, telling of when she showed them men in thongs whipping each other during the Gay Pride in Philadelphia. According to the author, children should be told more about kink to make them understand the different ways in which people love and express themselves. On the other hand, kink practiced in public, always according to Rowello, cannot be classified as obscenities but as a simple expression of one's being. Showing children this makes them understand that alternative modes of sex are equally valid.

A slightly bigoted doubt could at this point touch the mind of the reader and lead him to wonder whether it is appropriate to expose children to sexual practices of dubious taste. Rowello takes care of it, explaining how important it is for children to learn to be themselves and to accept themselves for who they are.

Here comes back an assumption dear to a certain part of the left standard-bearer of moral relativism: there is neither right and wrong, nor biological evidence, because everything is a social construct (obviously of a homophobic, patriarchal society, etc.), including sex and the need to exclude children. Therefore, exemption from all responsibility is encouraged in the name of the right of each person to be himself, devoid of the qualms and conditioning of an obviously bigoted and retrograde society (the "educastration" to which Mario Mieli referred at the time). A sort of myth of the good savage (not yet polluted by the practices of civilization) revised and corrected in a pedo-pornographic key.

It would therefore seem that the sexualization of childhood (and it should not be forgotten that pedophiles justify their practices by claiming the right of children to love) enjoys a certain popularity in some sectors of homosexual associations, as evidenced also by what has happened in countries Bassi (in which, among other things, a "pedophile party" is active). The organizers of the Dutch edition of Gay Pride awarded a particular photo (out of over 13,000 in competition), as a symbol of the event. And what appears in a photo defined by the same "representative and full of meaning"? Maybe a scene that shows the inhumane treatment that gays are subjected to in Islamic countries, as opposed to the freedoms they enjoy in the West? Obviously not. The photo (which dates back to 2008) instead portrays a girl of maybe 2 years old, surrounded by men in sadomasochistic clothing, complete with straps and leather underwear. [ 7 ]

The jury saw in it a symbol of a reality without prejudice. From which it can be deduced that not wanting to expose 2-year-old children to activities of a sexual nature (homo or hetero they may be) would instead be an indication of prejudices and mental closure. A message perhaps designed to induce reflection in families who, despite everything, insist on showing children cartoons instead of porn movies.

After all, even Flora Gill, columnist for the British magazine GQ , tweeted about the need to create specific pornographic content for children. Why not then? But at some point someone must have said: "Because it sucks!", Since the tweet was later removed by the author herself.

There also seems to be an at least ambiguous relationship between the so-called Antifa , the "anti-fascist" movement, protagonist of violent revolts in the United States, and pedophilia. In this regard, the links between the extreme left groups BAMN ( By Any Means Necessary ) and RWL ( Revolutionary Workers League ) on the one hand, and NAMBLA on the other, are known in the USA. NAMBLA, acronym for North American Man / Boy Love Association , is an organization in defense of pedophilia that fights to abolish the laws that set a minimum age for having sex. BAMN (responsible for protests against Trump supporters in California) and RWL have in the past expressed sympathy and support for NAMBLA, and some of their members have also been members of NAMBLA. [ 8 ]

The story of Kenosha is emblematic, told by the investigative journalist Andy Ngo, himself in the past seriously injured by the Antifa . In August 2020 in Kenosha, Wisconsin, during the Antifa and Black Lives Matter protests, which soon escalated into violence, over the killing of African-American Jacob Blake by the police, two Antifa militants were killed in self-defense by Kyle Rittenhouse, a young man who had intervened in defense of citizens' properties and in support of rescue and law enforcement. It was Ngo himself who ascertained that one of the two, Joseph Rosenbaum, had a criminal record for obscenities with minors and was registered as a "sex offender" .

In Portland, Oregon (a city where leftist protest is particularly strong), one of the leaders of the Antifa , Micah Isaiah Rhodes, has to his credit a history of sexual abuse of minors.

From the US to Europe. Patrick “Pat” Corcoran, founder of the Irish section of Antifa , was arrested in the past by the Dublin police for possessing thousands of child pornographic images saved on his computer. [ 9 ]

At this point it is difficult to argue that these are cases of militants, so to speak, also accidentally pedophiles. Instead, they are examples of a real mingling, and often of open support by far-left leaders and organizations for pro-pedophilia groups. What to be surprised about? It is nothing other than the logical consequence of the politicization of reality operated according to the slogan "the private is political". Everything is seen as a social construct, the rotten fruit of an old and authoritarian society, whose stench should be eliminated by subverting even the most basic rules of respect, breaking down every taboo, every hesitation, legitimizing everything, allowing everything. In fact, a certain left is opening a window of Overton to arrive at the progressive acceptance of pedophilia.

I note the passage on pedophilia and pederasty by Mario Mieli, a convinced Marxist and leading exponent of the Italian homosexual world of the 70s, to whom the most important Italian gay club is entitled, in " Elements of homosexual criticism" ( Einaudi , 1977). [ 17 ]

It was also in those years that the dreams of many children turned into the worst nightmares at the Forteto, the community financed by the very red region of Tuscany, which received children in foster care at the disposal of the juvenile court. Subsequent investigations led to convictions for sexual abuse and obscene acts against the founders who, with criminal proceedings still in progress, continued to receive foster children.

This part of the report of the Regional Commission of Inquiry was significant: "At Forteto homosexuality was not only allowed but even encouraged, an obligatory path towards what Fiesoli (one of the founders of the community, then definitively convicted of child abuse and mistreatment, ed) defined 'liberation from materiality' (…) love recognized and accepted, true love, high and noble was only the one with the same sex (…) Good and true love were those of a homosexual type , because there is no matter there ". Some chilling testimonies even speak of acts of zoophilia. [ 18 ] [ 19 ]

It is important to note that in the case of Il Forteto we are not simply dealing with people at the top of the community who sexually and psychically abuse minors, but with a real creed, a sort of sect that proposes an "alternative" vision of family relationships and sex, indicating the traditional family as negative. Their perversions are therefore the logical consequence of their ideas.

Suspicions and accusations still linger on the story, in particular by the victims of violence, that on the left what was happening at the Forteto has somehow been covered up and covered up. [ 20 ] What is certain is, however, that in 2015 the Democratic Party rejected a request for a community commissioner in Parliament, which actually took place with the Conte government.

A certain ambiguity on the subject of the sexualization of childhood can also be found in the Zan Ddl. In fact, the second paragraph of Article 1 states: "by gender we mean any external manifestation of a person that conforms or conflicts with the social expectations associated with sex". No mention of events deemed illegal by Italian law. The risk is that, theoretically, pedophilia continues to be punished, but that those who report or prevent it from taking place may also be punished, incurring discrimination sanctioned by the Zan Law, if one wishes to consider pedophilia as a "manifestation exterior ". Former magistrate Carlo Nordio expressed a similar concern, albeit in reference to sexual orientation rather than gender. [ 21 ]

Then one wonders why in the Zan Ddl there are references to school initiatives against homophobia, transphobia, etc., as if sex (homosexual as well as heterosexual) should be a subject of discussion for elementary school children.

Perhaps this explains the blind hatred that the European left has towards the Hungarian law strongly supported by the Orban government which, far from discriminating against gays, applies primarily to minors to protect them from exposure to pornographic material (once again both homosexual than heterosexual).

Trivially, the common thread is always the same: the sexualization of children and childhood, which must be freed from the bonds of a retrograde society, so that everyone can love who they want and how they want.

The risks involved in this way of seeing things are terrible: if sex becomes a normal thing for children, then sex with children can become normal too, and the adult who goes away with a minor would therefore be deserving of a certain level of understanding. On the other hand, if gender is a social construct and not an objective biological fact, as claimed by the promoters of the Zan Bill, why shouldn't age be too? If a male can claim to be a woman, on what grounds can one object to a forty-year-old claiming to be a child trapped in the wrong body? Who can contest his right to "love" an 8-year-old girl?

Love has no age, it was once said in very different contexts, while today it is fashionable to say “Love is Love” . It is a slogan dear to the left and to homosexual movements. But beyond the obvious tautology (a bit like saying that water is water) we see once again the attempt to legitimize certain behaviors starting from language. Since love has a positive value, any criticism of what is love can be rejected as an unacceptable expression of hatred and intolerance or, in less serious cases, of bigotry and closed-mindedness.

This is the same mechanism that leads to labeling as a racist those who support a policy to combat illegal immigration (without letting themselves go to manifestations of ethnic hatred) or as homophobic those who believe in the traditional family (ask the former football player Rino Gattuso for confirmation).

A real Orwellian fraud in the language in which the left is an unsurpassed teacher. His masterpiece is to have "hacked" a part of the gay world: by cleverly using identity politics , any instance carried out by homosexuals becomes unassailable, under penalty of being accused of homophobia and intolerance towards a minority.

While it would obviously be foolish to establish a univocal correlation between the left and pedophilia, or between the latter and homosexuality, on the other it seems quite evident that in a certain left, as in the more militant part of the homosexual world, there is some too much understanding and tolerance of pedophiles' "reasons" and a worrying tendency to sexualise childhood.

This is the not so surprising result of the union between Marxism and homosexualism organized in the common struggle against the traditional family, the construct of a patriarchal and authoritarian society to be replaced with a new era of rights and freedom for all, starting with the right to "love" .

The post From '68 to today, from "Forteto" to Antifa, attempts to "sexualise" childhood and "normalize" pedophilia appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL https://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/dal-68-a-oggi-i-tentativi-di-sessualizzare-linfanzia-e-normalizzare-la-pedofilia/ on Sat, 11 Dec 2021 03:59:00 +0000.