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The issue of migrants is also a test bench for Draghi’s prestige in Europe

There is not only Covid and the PNRR money to manage to verify how real Mario Draghi's authority is and how much it is exaggerated to excess by information that is a little too condescending and aligned. The former governor of the European Central Bank undoubtedly has a much richer and more important curriculum than his predecessor and other leading figures in the country, but the character is also the object of a sort of blind adoration that inevitably risks painting a reality that does not exist. Draghi's European and international fame is beyond question, however let us remember that we are dealing with a man in flesh and blood, premier of a government of broad understandings who, in addition to the rigor on the Green Pass , inevitably interprets a line inconsistent due to a composite majority.

We were saying , not only Covid and not only Pnrr, in fact there is also another question, illegal immigration, which can certify whether the competence and weight, especially in Europe, of Mario Draghi are effective or are largely the fruit of a kneeling journalistic propaganda. Illegal immigration from Africa arouses less attention than a few years ago because Covid continues to occupy almost all the news and television debates, and when some conductors move away for a moment from the virus and vaccines, the analyzes on the upcoming election of the next Head of State. And yet, although it is now spoken occasionally, the indiscriminate landings of illegal immigrants continue on the Italian coasts.

The premier is in fact aware of this, in fact in recent weeks and on more than one occasion he has publicly raised the issue, urging, we acknowledge, all of Europe to take charge of the problem and not to leave Italy alone in facing this emergency. epochal. Meanwhile, a good contribution to improve the Italian management of illegal migratory flows could be the dismissal for just cause of the current Minister of the Interior, whose action is absent rather than negative, but if the discussed and questionable Roberto remains in his place. Hope for Health, it is useless to delude oneself about a possible change of the guard at the Interior Ministry.

Luciana Lamorgese, who also comes from the previous government of Giuseppe Conte, just like Speranza, will remain where she is, unfortunately. It remains to be seen whether anything will move in the European context. So far the European Union, heavily conditioned by Angela Merkel's Germany and Emmanuel Macron's France, has demanded the enslavement and loyalty of Italy especially on the economic and financial side, but has left our country to take care of itself. in the face of migrant flows. If it suits Brussels, national sovereignty can also be dusted off. Germany today has a new Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, and greets Merkel after sixteen years of government, but it is legitimate not to have too many expectations about a change of pace from Berlin towards Rome.

However, we now have a Prime Minister of a certain caliber, therefore, will Europe now deign to listen to Italy's desperate cry about illegal immigration, in addition to mere replies of circumstance? If nothing were to change, Mario Draghi's vaunted international prestige would be nothing more than a journalistic forcing.

The post The issue of migrants as a test bench for Draghi's prestige in Europe appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL https://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/anche-il-tema-migranti-banco-di-prova-del-prestigio-di-draghi-in-europa/ on Sat, 11 Dec 2021 03:46:00 +0000.